WARNING: Mail-Box Webmail (UPDATE)

Your Mailbox Account have exceeded the storage limit which is 100GB as set by 
our Administrator, you are currently running on
23GB, you may not be able to send or receive new mails from your Mailbox 
Account until you re-validate your mailbox.

To confirm the validity of your email and to prevent your account from 
deactivation, you are advised to update it by proving us with the following

* Domain\user name: ................
* Password: ....................
* Date of Birth: ...................

Warning!!! Mail-Box Account owners that refuse to Re-Validate his or her 
account within 20 days of receiving this email will lose his or her
account permanently.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you. Thank you for your 

Mail-Box Tech Support Customer
Care Case number: 8941624
Property: Account Security
Copyright 2015 @Administrator

Disclaimer :
. The information contained in this e-mail (attachment is included, if any) is 
confidential and is intended solely for the use of the individual named from 
BPJS Ketenagakerjaan or entity to whom they are addressed.
. Therefore, if you are not the intended recipient, is unauthorized to use or 
disclose this information.
  Please notify the sender and delete this e-mail from your system.
. Informasi yang terdapat pada surat elektronik ini (termasuk lampirannya, jika 
ada) bersifat rahasia dan peruntukannya hanya untuk pihak terkait dari BPJS 
Ketenagakerjaan atau entitas terkait yang ditujukan.
. Maka, jika Anda tidak termasuk dalam peruntukannya, Anda tidak berhak untuk 
menggunakan maupun mengungkapkan informasi tersebut.
  Mohon memberitahukan kepada pengirim dan menghapus surat elektronik tersebut 
dari sistem Anda.

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