Hi All

ConCom are pleased to announce our second Apache Retreat in Knockree (Ireland) will be on Friday 13th - Monday 16th May

For those who haven't been to an Apache Retreat before, they're a weekend long event when Apache committers and community members get together to hack on code, attend un-conference sessions, put faces to names and generally have a fun time. As with previous retreats, we'll be running a BarCamp unconference in the day, and a few projects will also be hosting hackathons. The event is open to everyone from all projects, so do come along if you can!

For those who are users of Apache software, rather than committers, we'd love for you to come along in the day on the Saturday. We're running a BarCamp in the day, and it'll be great chance to learn more about new Apache projects, how the Apache Way leads us to develop software, as well as to talk about your current projects.

For more information on the event, including what's likely to happen, what the venue is like, and how to sign up, please see the event site:
(It's also all linked from the ApacheCon wiki)

If financial concerns are putting anyone off attending, then the good news is that the Travel Assistance Committee are supporting the event. Please visit http://www.apache.org/travel/index.html for more information, and to apply - the deadline is Saturday 12th March so don't delay!

Otherwise, we're looking forward to seeing you in Ireland in May!

Your Apache Retreat planning team

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