To reply, visit https://hellosplat.com/s/beanbag/tickets/4562/

New update by ondrej
For Beanbag, Inc. > Review Board > Ticket #4562


    Same issue for me.  Current production configuration server is [Ubuntu 
10.0.4 / Bazaar 2.5.1 / ReviewBoard 2.0.14].
    New test server is built with [Ubuntu 16.04.3 / Bazaar 2.7.0 / ReviewBoard 
2.5.15] and the existing ReviewBoard has been migrated and upgraded.  I am 
seeing the same issue where the browser stays in the "loading" status.  I 
attempted to create reviews using existing diff files that worked as expected 
in the production system.
    I set the ReviewBoard log level to DEBUG, no errors reported, the only 
output generated just prior to entering the "loading" state is as follows:
    2017-09-07 03:41:50,302 - DEBUG -  - root - DiffParser.parse: Beginning 
parse of diff, size = 1658
    2017-09-07 03:41:50,303 - DEBUG -  - root - DiffParser.parse: Finished 
parsing diff.
    I also confirmed that:
      - I can raise non-bzr reviews by creating a simple review with a file 
attachment only
      - Existing BZR-based reviews appear OK: I can open them and view the 
comments and the code diff
    Attached for ref is one of the diff files that causes the issue.

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