To reply, visit https://hellosplat.com/s/beanbag/tickets/4610/

New update by Misery
For Beanbag, Inc. > Review Board > Ticket #4610


    I'm not sure I'd classify it as "not working", since your use case is 
somewhat unusual. The general intent of the feature is:
    1. A creates and publishes the review request
    2. B adds an issue in their review
    3. A adds a new diff and marks the issue as "Fixed"
    4. B verifies that the issue is actually fixed
    If, in your workflow, the filer of the issue (B) is the one who's marking 
things as fixed, you already have verification.
    That said, we should handle this case more gracefully and if B marks as 
fixed, it should probably go straight from open -> fixed without waiting to 
verify. We'll look to get that fixed for 3.0.2

Assigned to:
    + david

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