To reply, visit https://hellosplat.com/s/beanbag/tickets/4631/

New update by kbjerke
For Beanbag, Inc. > Review Board > Ticket #4631


    I was able to fix the icon img by adding srcset to the rule for img tags in 
    ProxyHTMLLinks  img  src srcset
    <img id="logo" src="/rb/static/rb/images/logo.cc81d3ae01b2.png" 
srcset="/static/rb/images/logo.cc81d3ae01b2.png 1x, 
/static/rb/images/l...@2x.4e25cc3cacef.png 2x" alt="" border="0" width="60" 
    <img id="logo" src="/rb/static/rb/images/logo.cc81d3ae01b2.png" 
srcset="/rb/static/rb/images/logo.cc81d3ae01b2.png 1x, 
/static/rb/images/l...@2x.4e25cc3cacef.png 2x" alt="" border="0" width="60" 
    Although the second url in srcset is not rewritten.
    However, the onclick event in list item elements of the page_sidebar is 
quite a bit different.
    <li class="item has-url has-count" 
onclick="javascript:window.location=&quot;/dashboard/?view=mine&quot;; return 
false;"><div class="page-sidebar-row"><div class="rb-icon "></div><span 
class="label"><a href="/rb/dashboard/?view=mine">All</a></span><span 
class="count count-zero">0</span></div></li>

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