To reply, visit https://hellosplat.com/s/beanbag/tickets/4726/

New ticket #4726 by roys2005.gmail.com
For Beanbag, Inc. > Review Board

Status: New
Tags: Priority:Medium, Type:Defect

 Error when archiving reviews from dashboard 

# What version are you running?

# What's the URL of the page containing the problem?

# What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Go to reviewboard dashboard
2. Select on Notifications Incoming or any other tab with 2 pages
3. Make sure selection on top says "Show archived". i.e. archives are not shown
4. Navigate to page 2
5. Click on archive.
6. Select all reviews using the checkbox in the table header
7. Notice reviews do not archive as expected and error in the browser console. 

# What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
  I should not see the error. Also, the reviews should get archived.

# What operating system are you using? What browser?

# Please provide any additional information below.

On my reviewboard dashboard, I have a very large count of incoming 
notifications. When trying to archive the reviews I got the below error and the 
reviews did not archive.

jquery-1.11.1.min.8101d596b2b8.js:4 GET 
 404 (NOT FOUND)


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