To reply, visit https://hellosplat.com/s/beanbag/tickets/4194/

New update by pawolf
For Beanbag, Inc. > Review Board > Ticket #4194


    I'm sorry, not really. There are some reasons it's not provided that are 
more technical implementation details than anything. It is something we really 
should be doing, and I'm going to try to get this on the roadmap, but it won't 
help you for now.
    There is a workaround, though. You can access the [file diff data 
 by making a GET request to this with an `Accept: 
application/vnd.reviewboard.org.diff.data+json` header and the parameters for 
the file being commented on.
    This will give you underlying data used to build the diff viewer. This 
contains the real line numbers and those row numbers. From there, you can 
access the appropriate row and get the original/modified line numbers for the 
row number.
    This is available in Review Board 2.5 as well, but it's worth mentioning 
that 2.5 is no longer seeing any new development. 3.0 will soon be going into 
maintenance mode as well, as 4.0 is coming out before long.
    Would you be able to talk about what your webhook does? We're planning work 
on a new major version of the API and reworking some internals, so I want to 
gather use cases and see what makes sense.

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