Our Perforce server is "window 2003 server"

server manager said, he didn't set charset anything.

So, maybe perforce server's encoding is "euc-kr"..

How my ReviewBoard settings change to euc-kr??

Please anyone response to me...

Thank you.

On 4월7일, 오전10시48분, "jh5774....@samsung.com" <jh5774....@samsung.com>
> Our repository is perforce, their P4CHARATERSET=none.
> Our Reviewboard's database support Unicode(utf-8).
> And our reviewboard repository setting, Advanced - Encoding box is
> empty.
> Please check that...
> Thank you.
> On 4월7일, 오전2시24분, Min-Woo Lee <mw44....@gmail.com> wrote:
> > maybe you seems to using euc-kr in your perforce
> > 2011. 4. 6. 오후 9:36에 "Chris Clark" <chris.cl...@ingres.com>님이 작성:
> > > This looks VERY similar in behavior (but different manifestation) to the
> > UnicodeDecode error that another Windows user saw recently with UTF8 encoded
> > files (check the archive for UnicodeDecode). I.e. this isn't a language
> > issue but an character set encoding issue
> > > There are a few options here but I suspect the easiest is for you to
> > modify the repository info in Reviewboard and declare the encoding. I'm
> > guessing you are using a multibyte encoding rather than utf8? Can you tell
> > us the encoding?
> > > Chris
> > > jh5774....@samsung.com wrote:
> > >> Well,
> > >> My language, Korean, isn't parsing in Reviewboard.
> > >> For example,
> > >> I submit Change List(CL) in perforce, and CL's description field is
> > >> filled with 'Korean', not English.
> > >> And, I go to my Reviewboard server.
> > >> In Main menu,
> > >> Select New Review Request and select repository (perforce port)
> > >> input CL number(with that CL), and click the button 'Create Review
> > >> Request'
> > >> Then, there's some error in my Review Request.
> > >> my description field is empty, and file diff isn't in the RQ.
> > >> Below is my reviewboard error messages.
> > >>>>> p4 -p info
> > >>>>> repository info: Path:, Base path: None, Supports
> > changesets: True
> > >>>>> Generating diff for changenum 901357
> > >>>>> p4 describe -s 901357
> > >>>>> Processing edit of //this is a branch path. so I delete them example.h
> > >>>>> Writing "//this is a branch path. so I delete them example.h#1" to
> > "c:\users\admini~1\appdata\local\temp\tmpcezv0o">>>>> p4 print -o 
> > c:\users\admini~1\appdata\local\temp\tmpcezv0o -q //this
> > is a branch path. so I delete them example.h#1>>>>> diff -urNp 
> > c:\users\admini~1\appdata\local\temp\tmpcezv0o
> > d:\projects\S3350_REL_AE\3p_mm_ct_lib\aac_encoder\lib\export\include\aacplu 
> > senc.h>>>>> Looking for ' /reviewboard_demo/' cookie in
> > C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\.post-review-cookies.jh5774.bae.txt> 
> > >>>> Loaded valid cookie -- no login required
> > >>>>> HTTP GETting api/
> > >>>>> HTTP GETtinghttp://
> > >>>>> Using the new web API
> > >>>>> Attempting to create review request on for 901357
> > >>>>> HTTP POSTing to
> >{'changenum':
> > '901357', 'repository': ''}
> > >>>>> Got HTTP error: 500: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0
> > Transitional//EN"
> > >>  "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd";>
> > >> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"; xml:lang="en" lang="en">
> > >>  <head>
> > >>  <title>500 - Internal Server Error | Review Board</title>
> > >>  </head>
> > >>  <body>
> > >>  <h1>Something broke! (Error 500)</h1>
> > >>  <p>
> > >>   It appears something broke when you tried to go to here. This is
> > >> either
> > >>   a bug in Review Board or a server configuration error. Please
> > >> report
> > >>   this to your administrator.
> > >>  </p>
> > >>  </body>
> > >> </title>
> > >> Error creating review request: HTTP 500
> > >> and, below is my reviewboard server's error log:
> > >>  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/json/encoder.py", line 317, in
> > >> _iterencode     for chunk in self._iterencode_default(o, markers):
> > >>  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/json/encoder.py", line 309, in
> > >> _iterencode     for chunk in self._iterencode_dict(o, markers):
> > >>  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/json/encoder.py", line 275, in
> > >> _iterencode_dict     for chunk in self._iterencode(value, markers):
> > >>  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/json/encoder.py", line 294, in
> > >> _iterencode     yield encoder(o)
> > >> UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf8' codec can't decode bytes in position 0-1:
> > >> invalid data
> > >> [Wed Apr 06 17:22:14 2011] [error] [client] File does
> > >> not exist: /var/www/favicon.ico
> > >> /usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/Django-1.3-py2.6.egg/django/db/
> > >> backends/mysql/base.py:86:
> > >> Warning: Incorrect string value: '\xC1\xDF\xC0\xD4\xB4\xCF...' for
> > >> column 'summary' at row 1  return self.cursor.execute(query, args)
> > >> /usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/Django-1.3-py2.6.egg/django/db/
> > >> backends/mysql/base.py:86: Warning:
> > >> Incorrect string value: '\xC1\xDF\xC0\xD4\xB4\xCF...' for column
> > >> 'description' at row 1  return self.cursor.execute(query, args)
> > >> ERROR:django.request:Internal Server Error: /reviewboard_demo/api/
> > >> review-requests/
> > >> Traceback (most recent call last):
> > >>  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/Django-1.3-py2.6.egg/
> > >> django/core/handlers/base.py", line 178, in get_response
> > >>    response = middleware_method(request, response)
> > >>  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/Django-1.3-py2.6.egg/
> > >> django/middleware/http.py", line 15, in process_response
> > >>    response['Content-Length'] = str(len(response.content))
> > >>  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/Djblets-0.6.7-py2.6.egg/
> > >> djblets/webapi/core.py", line 276, in _get_content
> > >>    content = adapter.encode(self.api_data, request=self.request)
> > >>  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/Djblets-0.6.7-py2.6.egg/
> > >> djblets/webapi/core.py", line 88, in encode
> > >>    return super(JSONEncoderAdapter, self).encode(o)
> > >>  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/json/encoder.py", line 367, in encode
> > >>    chunks = list(self.iterencode(o))
> > >>  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/json/encoder.py", line 309, in _iterencode
> > >>    for chunk in self._iterencode_dict(o, markers):
> > >>  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/json/encoder.py", line 275, in
> > >> _iterencode_dict
> > >>    for chunk in self._iterencode(value, markers):
> > >>  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/json/encoder.py", line 317, in _iterencode
> > >>    for chunk in self._iterencode_default(o, markers):
> > >>  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/json/encoder.py", line 309, in _iterencode
> > >>    for chunk in self._iterencode_dict(o, markers):
> > >>  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/json/encoder.py", line 275, in
> > >> _iterencode_dict
> > >>    for chunk in self._iterencode(value, markers):
> > >>  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/json/encoder.py", line 294, in _iterencode
> > >>    yield encoder(o)
> > >> UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf8' codec can't decode bytes in position 5-6:
> > >> invalid data
> > >> I want to find source code where using 'p4 describe' command by
> > >> reviewboard.
> > >> I need someone's help...
> > >> Well, Everyone have a nice day~~
> > > --
> > > Want to help the Review Board project? Donate today at
> >http://www.reviewboard.org/donate/> Happy user? Let us know 
> >athttp://www.reviewboard.org/users/
> > > -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
> > > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> > reviewboard+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com> For more options, visit this 
> > group at
> >http://groups.google.com/group/reviewboard?hl=en

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