
I tried to configure ReviewBoard in order to use our Active Directory
Server for authentification of our users.

I did activate the debug through the web admin interface .... I think,
configuration is OK ....

However, when I access the http://[reviewboard.site]/account/login/

1/ if I use a valid username/password ....

I got a trace in the log:

2012-01-31 15:42:15,798 - DEBUG - Search root ou=DC=XXX,DC=YYY,dc=ZZZ,dc=BBB

(where XXX, YYY, ZZZ, BBB looks like correct values ....)

But the I got a message: "Incorrect username or password" on the web page
(and it stays in the login page)

2/ However, if I use a valid user but with a wrong password ... I see this
message in the log:

2012-01-31 15:42:06,923 - WARNING - Active Directory: Failed login for user

where: XYZ is the name of my user ....

My conclusion: It seems that authentification is "working" but it stays in
the login page????? with incorrect error message?

What's wrong?

Thanks for your support,


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