
We've been looking at 1.7 beta 1 and I was wondering if you could give an
outline if the extensions are going to allow us to change/add workflows to
RB?  For example, I'm wondering if it is going to be possible to:

- Only allow certain individuals (e.g. project leads), and disallow the
creator off a review, to close/submit it. This may require additional
permissions in the database.  So:
   a) will extensions allow the creation of custom permissions?
   b) will extensions allow hooks into various built-in events (e.g.

- We'd like to track some states a diff can go through. You have some of
what we want in the Issues field, but we'd like to add more to that. So:
 c) will extensions allow us to add a field to each diff in each revision?
And of course, allow users to interact with it via widget?
 d) will extensions allow us to replace or hide built-in functions?


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