On 08/11/2014 11:53 AM, Arjun s v wrote:
> Hi
> I have followed the below steps to install the Reviewboard on fedora 14


This version of Fedora is very old (almost four years) and is both
unsupported and known to contain many security issues (it reached
end-of-life in December 2011). Furthermore, Fedora 20 has native
ReviewBoard 1.7.x packages. (And there are Fedora 21 and RHEL/CentOS 7
packages for the 2.0.x series). You should *really* upgrade.

> Installing Python Setuptools
> # yum install python-setuptools
> # easy_install -U setuptools
> Installing Python Develoopment Headers
> # yum install python-devel
> Installing memcached
> # rpm -Uvh
> http://mirrors.kernel.org/fedora-epel/5/x86_64/epel-release-5-4.noarch.rpm
> # yum install memcached
> # easy_install python-memcached

Mixing EPEL packages with Fedora packages is begging for trouble.

> Installing Patch
> # yum install patch
> Installing Review Board
> # easy_install ReviewBoard
> Wait until you see the message "Finished processing dependencies for
> ReviewBoard".
> Installing Database Bindings
> # yum install MySQL-python
> # easy_install mysql-python
> Installing Source Control Components
> # yum install cvs
> # yum install git-core
> # yum install subversion
> # yum install pysvn
> Mercurial
> # easy_install mercurial
> Perforce
> # easy_install P4PythonInstaller
> Installing Amazon S3 Support
> # easy_install django-storages
> Installing Development Tools
> # easy_install nose Sphinx
> Creating Database
> # mysql -uroot -h127.0.0.1 -P3306 -p
>> create database reviewboard;
>> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON reviewboard.* TO 'reviewboard'@''
> identified by 'reviewboard';
>> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON reviewboard.* TO 'reviewboard'@''
> identified by 'reviewboard';
> Creating a Review Board Site
> # rb-site install /var/www/reviewboard
> - Domain Name: reviews.rocfm.com
> - Root Path [/]: /reviews/
> - Media URL [media/]: media/
> - Database Type: mysql
> - Database Name [reviewboard]: reviewboard
> - Database Server [localhost]:
> - Database Username: reviewboard
> - Database Password: reviewboard
> - Cache Type: memcached
> - Memcache Server [memcached://localhost:11211/]:
> memcached://localhost:11211/
> - Web Server: apache
> - Python Loader: wsgi
> - Username [admin]: admin
> - Password: admin
> - E-Mail Address: x...@gmail.com
> Then you will see:
> ---
> * The site has been installed
> The site has been installed in /var/www/reviewboard
> Sample configuration files for web servers and cron are available
> in the conf/ directory.
> You need to modify the ownership of the following directories and
> their contents to be owned by the web server:
> * /var/www/reviewboard/htdocs/media/uploaded
> * /var/www/reviewboard/data
> For more information, visit:
> http://www.reviewboard.org/docs/manual/dev/admin/sites/creating-
> sites/
> ---
> Configuring Apache
> # yum install mod_wsgi
> # chown -R apache:apache /var/www/reviewboard/
> # cp /var/www/reviewboard/conf/apache-wsgi.conf /etc/httpd/conf.d/
> # vim /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
> Add the follow item:
> ---
> LoadModule wsgi_module modules/mod_wsgi.so
> # vim /etc/httpd/conf.d/apache-wsgi.conf
> Change the port into 8080:
> ---
> <VirtualHost *:8080>
> # /etc/init.d/httpd restart
> after this if i type reviews.rocfm.com:8080/reviews/ in browser i m not
> getting ,so provide me help to get the site up and also me help how to
> download the source code and install it instead of using yum installation
> Thanks in advance  for the help
> -- 
> Get the Review Board Power Pack at http://www.reviewboard.org/powerpack/
> ---
> Sign up for Review Board hosting at RBCommons: https://rbcommons.com/
> ---
> Happy user? Let us know at http://www.reviewboard.org/users/
> ---
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> Groups "reviewboard" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send
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Get the Review Board Power Pack at http://www.reviewboard.org/powerpack/
Sign up for Review Board hosting at RBCommons: https://rbcommons.com/
Happy user? Let us know at http://www.reviewboard.org/users/
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