You can pass --debug to the RBTools command line.


Christian Hammond
President/CEO of Beanbag <>
Makers of Review Board <>

On Wed, Sep 14, 2016 at 11:57 AM, 'Chris Westin' via reviewboard <> wrote:

> RBTools 0.7.6.
> How do I produce a debug log?
> On Tuesday, September 13, 2016 at 5:13:26 PM UTC-7, Christian Hammond
> wrote:
>> Can you supply a debug log as well? Having more data would help here.
>> Also, what version of Review Board are you running?
>> Christian
>> On Tuesday, September 13, 2016, 'Chris Westin' via reviewboard <
>>> wrote:
>>> So, no resolution to this? I'm seeing the exact same thing on a fresh
>>> install on Ubuntu. Everything is stock.
>>> On Thursday, February 19, 2015 at 5:55:07 AM UTC-8, Gauthier Segay wrote:
>>>> It might help some encountering this issue, I worked around using the
>>>> .rbtools-cookies files
>>>> On windows 2003 this file is in:
>>>> C:\Documents and Settings\THEUSER\Application Data for THEUSER
>>>> and
>>>> c:\windows\system32 for SYSTEM account
>>>> To get a valid cookie, I logged in reviewboard using the account I
>>>> intend to use with "rbtools post" and got the value of rbsessionid to
>>>> put in above file.
>>>> I tried to debug rbtools locally but only have python 3 on my dev
>>>> machine so I couldn't get it to work properly to the stage I would get
>>>> this:
>>>> >>> Got API Error 103 (HTTP code 401): You are not logged in
>>>> >>> Error data: {'stat': 'fail', 'err': {'msg': 'You are not logged
>>>> in', 'code': 103}}
>>>> On Tue, Feb 10, 2015 at 9:38 PM, Gauthier Segay
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>> > Hello, I'm encountering same issue, just dumping all the
>>>> configuration
>>>> > info and current output of rbt post.
>>>> >
>>>> > The issues started happening after a reviewboard machine reboot (and
>>>> > ip change), I don't know how I used to get it working.
>>>> >
>>>> > Reviews are posted from a windows machine hosting the svn server.
>>>> >
>>>> > I can login on the site and create reviews with the login used in
>>>> this
>>>> > command line.
>>>> >
>>>> > Please suggest what I can try.
>>>> >
>>>> > ===========================================
>>>> > E:\repositories\dev\hooks>rbt post
>>>> > --server=http://reviewboard.lcgentoo.local
>>>> > --repository-url=svn://  --debug         --publish
>>>> >  --username svn  --password thepassword  --submit-as svn
>>>> > --target-groups uplanreviewers  --summary
>>>> > automatic_summary_for_revision_15039  --description-file
>>>> > E:\repositories\dev\hooks\logs\15039svncommitlog.txt
>>>> > 15038:15039  1>>E:\repositories\dev\hooks\
>>>> logs\15039post-commit-review.log
>>>> >>>> RBTools 0.7.1
>>>> >>>> Python 2.7 (r27:82525, Jul  4 2010, 09:01:59) [MSC v.1500 32 bit
>>>> (Intel)]
>>>> >>>> Running on Windows-2003Server-5.2.3790-SP2
>>>> >>>> Home = C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator.LCG\Application
>>>> Data
>>>> >>>> Current directory = E:\repositories\dev\hooks
>>>> >>>> Checking for a Subversion repository...
>>>> >>>> Running: svn info svn:// --non-interactive
>>>> >>>> Running: diff --version
>>>> >>>> repository info: Path: svn://, Base path: /,
>>>> Supports changesets: False
>>>> >>>> Making HTTP GET request to http://reviewboard.lcgentoo.local/api/
>>>> >>>> Making HTTP GET request to http://reviewboard.lcgentoo.lo
>>>> cal/api/repositories/
>>>> >>>> Running: svn log -r 15038 -l 1 --xml svn://
>>>> >>>> Running: svn log -r 15039 -l 1 --xml svn://
>>>> >>>> Running: svn info svn:// --non-interactive
>>>> >>>> Running: diff --version
>>>> >>>> repository info: Path: svn://, Base path: /,
>>>> Supports changesets: False
>>>> >>>> Running: svn status --ignore-externals
>>>> >>>> Running: svn diff --diff-cmd=diff --notice-ancestry svn://
>>>> svn://
>>>> >>>> Running: svn diff --diff-cmd=diff --notice-ancestry svn://
>>>> svn:// --no-d
>>>> > iff-deleted
>>>> >>>> Making HTTP GET request to http://reviewboard.lcgentoo.lo
>>>> cal/api/validation/diffs/
>>>> >>>> Making HTTP POST request to http://reviewboard.lcgentoo.lo
>>>> cal/api/validation/diffs/
>>>> >>>> Got API Error 103 (HTTP code 401): You are not logged in
>>>> >>>> Error data: {'stat': 'fail', 'err': {'msg': 'You are not logged
>>>> in', 'code': 103}}
>>>> > Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>> >   File "C:\Python27\Scripts\", line 9, in <module>
>>>> >     load_entry_point('RBTools==0.7.1', 'console_scripts', 'rbt')()
>>>> >   File 
>>>> > "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\rbtools-0.7.1-py2.7.egg\rbtools\commands\",
>>>> > line 133, in main
>>>> >     command.run_from_argv([RB_MAIN, command_name] + args)
>>>> >   File 
>>>> > "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\rbtools-0.7.1-py2.7.egg\rbtools\commands\",
>>>> > line 538, in run_from_argv
>>>> >     exit_code = self.main(*args) or 0
>>>> >   File 
>>>> > "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\rbtools-0.7.1-py2.7.egg\rbtools\commands\",
>>>> > line 670, in main
>>>> >     (msg_prefix, e))
>>>> > rbtools.commands.CommandError: Error validating diff
>>>> >
>>>> > You are not logged in (HTTP 401, API Error 103)
>>>> > ===========================================
>>>> >
>>>> > On the machine, if I open http://reviewboard.lcgentoo.local/api/info
>>>> > in a browser, the answer is
>>>> >
>>>> > ===========================================
>>>> > Remote Address:
>>>> > Request URL: http://reviewboard.lcgentoo.local/api/info
>>>> > Request Method: GET
>>>> > Status Code: 404 NOT FOUND
>>>> >
>>>> > Request Headers
>>>> >
>>>> > GET /api/info HTTP/1.1 Host: reviewboard.lcgentoo.local Connection:
>>>> > keep-alive Cache-Control: max-age=0 Accept:
>>>> > text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8
>>>> > User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.2) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML,
>>>> > like Gecko) Chrome/40.0.2214.91 Safari/537.36 Accept-Encoding: gzip,
>>>> > deflate, sdch Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8 Cookie:
>>>> > csrftoken=R2Xe4tSc3pt0xVoAK8ROQ0FyG8DnUFd8;
>>>> > rbsessionid=nuigvg158krygm0zul6i2xwwb344g15a
>>>> >
>>>> > Response Headers
>>>> >
>>>> > HTTP/1.1 404 NOT FOUND Date: Tue, 10 Feb 2015 13:12:19 GMT Server:
>>>> > Apache Content-Length: 139 Content-Language: en
>>>> > X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff Expires: Tue, 10 Feb 2015 13:12:19
>>>> GMT
>>>> > Vary: Cookie,Accept-Language Last-Modified: Tue, 10 Feb 2015 13:12:19
>>>> > GMT Cache-Control: max-age=0 X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN Keep-Alive:
>>>> > timeout=15, max=100 Connection: Keep-Alive Content-Type:
>>>> > application/xml
>>>> >
>>>> > <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
>>>> > <rsp>
>>>> >  <stat>fail</stat>
>>>> >  <err>
>>>> >   <msg>Object does not exist</msg>
>>>> >   <code>100</code>
>>>> >  </err>
>>>> > </rsp>
>>>> > ===========================================
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > conf/apache-wsgi.conf
>>>> > ===========================================
>>>> > <VirtualHost *:80>
>>>> >     ServerName reviewboard.lcgentoo.local
>>>> >     DocumentRoot "/var/www/reviewboard.lcgentoo.local/htdocs"
>>>> >
>>>> >     # Error handlers
>>>> >     ErrorDocument 500 /errordocs/500.html
>>>> >
>>>> >     WSGIPassAuthorization On
>>>> >     WSGIScriptAlias "/"
>>>> > "/var/www/reviewboard.lcgentoo.local/htdocs/reviewboard.wsgi/"
>>>> >
>>>> >     <Directory "/var/www/reviewboard.lcgentoo.local/htdocs">
>>>> >         AllowOverride All
>>>> >         Options -Indexes +FollowSymLinks
>>>> >         Allow from all
>>>> >     </Directory>
>>>> >
>>>> >     # Prevent the server from processing or allowing the rendering of
>>>> >     # certain file types.
>>>> >     <Location "/media/uploaded">
>>>> >         SetHandler None
>>>> >         Options None
>>>> >
>>>> >         AddType text/plain .html .htm .shtml .php .php3 .php4 .php5
>>>> .phps .asp
>>>> >         AddType text/plain .pl .py .fcgi .cgi .phtml .phtm .pht .jsp
>>>> .sh .rb
>>>> >
>>>> >         <IfModule mod_php5.c>
>>>> >             php_flag engine off
>>>> >         </IfModule>
>>>> >     </Location>
>>>> >
>>>> >     # Alias static media requests to filesystem
>>>> >     Alias /media "/var/www/reviewboard.lcgentoo.local/htdocs/media"
>>>> >     Alias /static "/var/www/reviewboard.lcgentoo.local/htdocs/static"
>>>> >     Alias /errordocs 
>>>> > "/var/www/reviewboard.lcgentoo.local/htdocs/errordocs"
>>>> >     Alias /favicon.ico
>>>> > "/var/www/reviewboard.lcgentoo.local/htdocs/static/rb/images/favicon.png"
>>>> > </VirtualHost>
>>>> > ===========================================
>>>> >
>>>> > htdocs/reviewboard.wsgi
>>>> > ===========================================
>>>> > import __main__
>>>> > __main__.__requires__ = ['ReviewBoard']
>>>> > import pkg_resources
>>>> >
>>>> > import os
>>>> > import sys
>>>> >
>>>> > os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = "reviewboard.settings"
>>>> > os.environ['PYTHON_EGG_CACHE'] =
>>>> > "/var/www/reviewboard.lcgentoo.local/tmp/egg_cache"
>>>> > os.environ['HOME'] = "/var/www/reviewboard.lcgentoo.local/data"
>>>> > os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = '/var/www/reviewboard.lcgentoo.local/conf:'
>>>> > + os.environ.get('PYTHONPATH', '')
>>>> >
>>>> > sys.path = ['/var/www/reviewboard.lcgentoo.local/conf'] + sys.path
>>>> >
>>>> > import django.core.handlers.wsgi
>>>> > application = django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIHandler()
>>>> > ===========================================
>>>> >
>>>> > /etc/apache2/vhosts.d/local.lcgentoo.reviewboard.vhost.conf
>>>> > ===========================================
>>>> > <IfDefine DEFAULT_VHOST>
>>>> > <VirtualHost *:80>
>>>> >         ServerName reviewboard.lcgentoo.local
>>>> >         DocumentRoot "/var/www/reviewboard.lcgentoo.local/htdocs"
>>>> >
>>>> >     SetEnv HOME /var/www/reviewboard.lcgentoo.local/data
>>>> >
>>>> >         # Error handlers
>>>> >         ErrorDocument 500 /errordocs/500.html
>>>> >
>>>> >         # Serve django pages
>>>> >     WSGIScriptAlias /
>>>> > /var/www/reviewboard.lcgentoo.local/htdocs/reviewboard.wsgi
>>>> >         <Location "/">
>>>> > #        SetHandler wsgi-script
>>>> > #        Options +ExecCGI
>>>> >         #        PythonPath
>>>> > "['/var/www/reviewboard.lcgentoo.local/conf'] + sys.path"
>>>> >         #        SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE reviewboard.settings
>>>> >         #        SetEnv PYTHON_EGG_CACHE
>>>> > "/var/www/reviewboard.lcgentoo.local/tmp/egg_cache"
>>>> >         #        SetHandler mod_python
>>>> >         #        PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython
>>>> >         #        PythonAutoReload Off
>>>> >         #        PythonDebug Off
>>>> >                 # Used to run multiple mod_python sites in the same
>>>> apache
>>>> >         #        PythonInterpreter reviewboard_reviewboard_lcgentoo_local
>>>> >         </Location>
>>>> >
>>>> >         # Serve static media without running it through mod_python
>>>> >         # (overrides the above)
>>>> >         <Location "/media">
>>>> >                 SetHandler None
>>>> >         </Location>
>>>> >
>>>> >         Alias /static "/var/www/reviewboard.lcgentoo.local/htdocs/static"
>>>> >         <Location "/static">
>>>> >             SetHandler None
>>>> >         </Location>
>>>> >         <Location "/errordocs">
>>>> >                 SetHandler None
>>>> >         </Location>
>>>> >
>>>> >         <Directory "/var/www/reviewboard.lcgentoo.local/htdocs">
>>>> >                 AllowOverride All
>>>> >                 Allow from all
>>>> >         </Directory>
>>>> >
>>>> >         # Alias static media requests to filesystem
>>>> >         Alias /media "/var/www/reviewboard.lcgentoo.local/htdocs/media"
>>>> >         Alias /errordocs 
>>>> > "/var/www/reviewboard.lcgentoo.local/htdocs/errordocs"
>>>> > </VirtualHost>
>>>> >
>>>> > </IfDefine>
>>>> > ===========================================
>>>> >
>>>> > On Fri, Jan 9, 2015 at 7:30 AM, Christian Hammond
>>>> > <> wrote:
>>>> >> Hi Julian,
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Best bet would be to sprinkle some print statements throughout
>>>> rbtools/api/ Particularly in ReviewBoardHTTPBasicAuthHandler,
>>>> ReviewBoardHTTPPasswordMgr, and PresetHTTPAuthHandler. See what's getting
>>>> triggered, what headers are being used, etc. Would take some investigation,
>>>> though... Wish I had a repro case :/
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Christian
>>>> >>
>>>> >> --
>>>> >> Christian Hammond -
>>>> >> Review Board -
>>>> >> Beanbag, Inc. -
>>>> >>
>>>> >> -----Original Message-----
>>>> >> From: Julian Mehnle <>
>>>> >> Reply: <>>
>>>> >> Date: January 8, 2015 at 10:14:32 PM
>>>> >> To: <>>
>>>> >> Subject:  Re: "You are not logged in (HTTP 401, API Error 103)"
>>>> >>
>>>> >>> Christian,
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> I wrote:
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> > Christian Hammond wrote:
>>>> >>> >
>>>> >>> >> Did you used to use the old post-review tool? If so, can you see
>>>> if there's a .post-review-cookies.txt
>>>> >>> hanging around?
>>>> >>> >
>>>> >>> > That file doesn't exist in my home directory
>>>> (~/.post-review-cookies.txt).
>>>> >>> >
>>>> >>> >> It's a peculiar problem, I'll grant you that. Haven't seen this
>>>> before... It really
>>>> >>> should be prompting for a username/password if it doesn't have a
>>>> cookie.
>>>> >>> >
>>>> >>> > I googled for the error and it seems someone else ran into this
>>>> back in 2013, with no apparent
>>>> >>> resolution:
>>>> >>> >
>>>> >>> >!msg/reviewboard/LbgYbA-
>>>> tQn4/tXxI7_v09rMJ
>>>> >>> >
>>>> >>> > I'm familiar with Python, so I can help debugging this if you
>>>> give me some guidance on
>>>> >>> where to start.
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> Anything I can do to debug this?
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> -Julian
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> --
>>>> >>> Get the Review Board Power Pack at
>>>> erpack/
>>>> >>> ---
>>>> >>> Sign up for Review Board hosting at RBCommons:
>>>> >>> ---
>>>> >>> Happy user? Let us know at
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>>>> >>> group.
>>>> >>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it,
>>>> send an email to
>>>> >>> For more options, visit
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>
>>>> >> --
>>>> >> Get the Review Board Power Pack at
>>>> erpack/
>>>> >> ---
>>>> >> Sign up for Review Board hosting at RBCommons:
>>>> >> ---
>>>> >> Happy user? Let us know at
>>>> >> ---
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>>>> Groups "reviewboard" group.
>>>> >> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it,
>>>> send an email to
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>>> --
>>> Supercharge your Review Board with Power Pack:
>>> Want us to host Review Board for you? Check out RBCommons:
>>> Happy user? Let us know!
>>> ---
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>>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send
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>> --
>> --
>> Christian Hammond
>> President/CEO of Beanbag <>
>> Makers of Review Board <>
>> --
> Supercharge your Review Board with Power Pack:
> Want us to host Review Board for you? Check out RBCommons:
> Happy user? Let us know!
> ---
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "reviewboard" group.
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