Hi Christian,

Have an issue which posting a review and attempting to repost to it again. 
I recently upgraded our RB server to the latest 2.5.7 and rbtools on that 
server. Note the postreview.py we use is probably quite old (0.4.1) as its 
been modified a bit to suit our environment but hasn't been touched in 
ages. This exists on NFS for all to use the same version.

Seems the repost to an existing review is failing as the changenum is None 
as opposed to an Integer. I'm not sure how the server version is affecting 
this but its the only thing thats changed recently:

>>> Attempting to create review request on bfs-p4.bfs.openwave.com:1667 for 
>>> HTTP POSTing to http://review.bfs.openwave.com/api/review-requests/: 
{'changenum': '1176766', 'repository': 'bfs-p4.bfs.openwave.com:1667'}
>>> Got API Error 204 (HTTP code 409): The commit ID specified has already 
been used.
>>> Error data: {u'stat': u'fail', u'review_request': {u'status': 
u'pending', u'last_updated': u'2017-01-10T11:45:12Z', u'links': {u'diffs': 
u'method': u'GET'}, u'repository': {u'href': 
u'http://review.bfs.openwave.com/api/repositories/3/', u'method': u'GET', 
u'title': u'bfs-p4:1667'}, u'changes': {u'href': 
u'method': u'GET'}, u'self': {u'href': 
u'http://review.bfs.openwave.com/api/review-requests/33514/', u'method': 
u'GET'}, u'update': {u'href': 
u'http://review.bfs.openwave.com/api/review-requests/33514/', u'method': 
u'PUT'}, u'last_update': {u'href': 
u'method': u'GET'}, u'reviews': {u'href': 
u'method': u'GET'}, u'draft': {u'href': 
u'method': u'GET'}, u'file_attachments': {u'href': 
u'method': u'GET'}, u'submitter': {u'href': 
u'http://review.bfs.openwave.com/api/users/earunach/', u'method': u'GET', 
u'title': u'earunach'}, u'delete': {u'href': 
u'http://review.bfs.openwave.com/api/review-requests/33514/', u'method': 
u'DELETE'}, u'screenshots': {u'href': 
u'method': u'GET'}, u'diff_context': {u'href': 
u'method': u'GET'}}, u'depends_on': [], u'description_text_type': u'plain', 
u'issue_resolved_count': 0, u'ship_it_count': 0, 
u'close_description_text_type': u'plain', u'id': 33514, u'description': 
u'', u'target_people': [], u'changenum': None, u'bugs_closed': [], 
u'testing_done_text_type': u'plain', u'testing_done': u'', 
u'close_description': None, u'time_added': u'2017-01-10T11:45:12Z', 
u'extra_data': {u'calculated_trophies': True}, u'public': False, 
u'commit_id': None, u'blocks': [], u'branch': u'', u'text_type': None, 
u'issue_open_count': 0, u'approved': False, u'url': u'/r/33514/', 
u'absolute_url': u'http://review.bfs.openwave.com/r/33514/', 
u'target_groups': [], u'summary': u'', u'issue_dropped_count': 0, 
u'approval_failure': u'The review request has not been marked "Ship It!"'}, 
u'err': {u'msg': u'The commit ID specified has already been used.', 
u'code': 204}}
>>> Review request already exists. Updating it...
>>> HTTP PUTting to 
http://review.bfs.openwave.com/api/review-requests/33514/: {'changenum': 
>>> Got API Error 105 (HTTP code 400): One or more fields had errors
>>> Error data: {u'fields': {u'changenum': [u'"None" is not an integer']}, 
u'stat': u'fail', u'err': {u'msg': u'One or more fields had errors', 
u'code': 105}}
Error creating review request: One or more fields had errors (HTTP 400, API 
Error 105)

Any ideas, I was going to update our postreview file with the latest and 
migrate our changes into it but I don't see it in the latest 0.7.7 RBTools 
release in case it was a mismatch too far now.

Thanks in advance,

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