Hi All,

I'm currently stucked using rbt tools integrated with git, wich I recognize 
seems quite strange. My company uses svn as central repository and 
initially I started using it with reviewboard and rbt tools in order to 
perform group reviewing. Recently I decided to start working locally with 
git using svn git facilities, but It seems impossible to make rbt tools 
working with it.

RBTools  version installed is 0.7.9.

For example, try to generate a post based on a commit, if I execute:

*oodena@linux-oodena:~/workspace/trunk_git> rbt diff 
*Index: src/net/lib/DashGo90Info.cc*
*--- src/net/lib/DashGo90Info.cc (revision 85444*
*+++ src/net/lib/DashGo90Info.cc (working copy)*
*@@ -65,14 +65,13 @@ std::vector<Mpd::Repr> 
DashGo90Info::getDefaultRepresentations() const*
*  * The id will be pbs atrribute value, wich means:*
*  **
*  *   a8fb32cca6474bb896c4d18d69eb023c*
*+ **
*+ * If pbs attribute is not found, generate a generic name indicating just 
service name*
*  */*
* std::string DashGo90Info::getUriId(const String& uri) const*
* {*
*- std::string res;*
*  boost::intrusive_ptr<String> 
param=new_optr(HttpFlow::getUrlParameter(&uri, "pbs"));*
*- if (param)*
*- res=std::string(param->getValue());*
*- return res;*
*+ return (param)?std::string(param->getValue()):"go90";*
* }*
* bool DashGo90Info::belongsToApplication(const String& host,const String& 
uri,const String& contentType,const String &referer) const*
* {*

In other words, seems to be working fine. But If I execute:

*oodena@linux-oodena:~/workspace/trunk_git> rbt post 
*ERROR: Error validating diff*

*The specified diff file is empty. (HTTP 400, API Error 219)*

Don't know how It's possible to specify diff file empty if there's no 
problem executing rbt diff. I also tried to use debug option:

*oodena@linux-oodena:~/workspace/trunk_git> rbt post --debug 
9ab7ade0fe3f3d8aad335d7856ffe4e34bb7988b *
*>>> RBTools 0.7.9*
*>>> Python 2.6.9 (unknown, Apr  7 2015, 08:28:12) *
*[GCC 4.3.4 [gcc-4_3-branch revision 152973]]*
*>>> Running on Linux-3.0.101-63-default-x86_64-with-SuSE-11-x86_64*
*>>> Home = /home/oodena*
*>>> Current directory = /home/oodena/workspace/trunk_git*
*>>> Command line: rbt post --debug 
*>>> Checking for a Subversion repository...*
*>>> Running: svn --non-interactive info*
*>>> Command exited with rc 1: ['svn', '--non-interactive', u'info']*
*svn: '.' is not a working copy*
*>>> Checking for a Git repository...*
*>>> Running: git rev-parse --git-dir*
*>>> Running: git config core.bare*
*>>> Running: git rev-parse --show-toplevel*
*>>> Running: git symbolic-ref -q HEAD*
*>>> Running: git svn info*
*>>> Running: git svn rebase -n*
*>>> repository info: Path: svn://obiwan/code, Base path: /zl/trunk, 
Supports changesets: False*
*>>> Making HTTP GET request to http://machinesmith.zhilabs.net/api/*
*>>> Making HTTP GET request to 
*>>> Cached response for HTTP GET 
http://machinesmith.zhilabs.net/api/repositories/?tool=Subversion expired 
and was modified*
*>>> Running: git rev-parse 9ab7ade0fe3f3d8aad335d7856ffe4e34bb7988b*
*>>> Running: git rev-parse 9ab7ade0fe3f3d8aad335d7856ffe4e34bb7988b^*
*>>> Running: git merge-base 396cbc3a5d6adfc6772025f84f087701debd06d7 
*>>> Running: git rev-parse --git-dir*
*>>> Running: git version*
*>>> Running: git diff --no-color --no-prefix -r -u --no-ext-diff 
*>>> Running: git svn find-rev e3aff38e4b238f4bf4f9630dffc6dc306eb52187*
*>>> Running: git diff --no-color --no-prefix -r -u --no-ext-diff 
*>>> Running: git svn find-rev e3aff38e4b238f4bf4f9630dffc6dc306eb52187*
*>>> Making HTTP GET request to 
*>>> Cached response for HTTP GET 
http://machinesmith.zhilabs.net/api/validation/diffs/ expired and was 
*>>> Making HTTP POST request to 
*>>> Got API Error 219 (HTTP code 400): The specified diff file is empty.*
*>>> Error data: {u'stat': u'fail', u'err': {u'msg': u'The specified diff 
file is empty.', u'code': 219}}*
*Traceback (most recent call last):*
*  File "/usr/local/bin/rbt", line 8, in <module>*
*    load_entry_point('RBTools==0.7.9.dev', 'console_scripts', 'rbt')()*
*  File 
line 133, in main*
*    command.run_from_argv([RB_MAIN, command_name] + args)*
*  File 
line 664, in run_from_argv*
*    exit_code = self.main(*args) or 0*
*  File 
line 811, in main*
*    (msg_prefix, e))*
*rbtools.commands.CommandError: Error validating diff*

*The specified diff file is empty. (HTTP 400, API Error 219)*

Having in mind this can also be used with svn, I tried to perform a rbt 
post in svn repository with debug, and certainly I see slighly differences:

*oodena@linux-oodena:~/workspace/trunk> rbt post --debug*
*>>> RBTools 0.7.9*
*>>> Python 2.6.9 (unknown, Apr  7 2015, 08:28:12) *
*[GCC 4.3.4 [gcc-4_3-branch revision 152973]]*
*>>> Running on Linux-3.0.101-63-default-x86_64-with-SuSE-11-x86_64*
*>>> Home = /home/oodena*
*>>> Current directory = /home/oodena/workspace/trunk*
*>>> Command line: rbt post --debug*
*>>> Checking for a Subversion repository...*
*>>> Running: svn --non-interactive info*
*>>> Running: diff --version*
*>>> Running: svn --non-interactive --version -q*
*>>> repository info: Path: svn://obiwan/code, Base path: /zl/trunk, 
Supports changesets: False*
*>>> Making HTTP GET request to http://machinesmith.zhilabs.net/api/*
*>>> Making HTTP GET request to 
*>>> Cached response for HTTP GET 
http://machinesmith.zhilabs.net/api/repositories/?tool=Subversion expired 
and was modified*
*>>> Running: svn --non-interactive info*
*>>> Running: diff --version*
*>>> Running: svn --non-interactive --version -q*
*>>> repository info: Path: svn://obiwan/code, Base path: /zl/trunk, 
Supports changesets: False*
*>>> Running: svn --non-interactive diff --diff-cmd=diff --notice-ancestry 
-r BASE*
*>>> Running: svn --non-interactive info 
*>>> Running: svn --non-interactive info src/net/test*
*>>> Running: svn --non-interactive info src/net*
*>>> Running: svn --non-interactive info src*
*>>> Running: svn --non-interactive diff --diff-cmd=diff --notice-ancestry 
-r BASE --no-diff-deleted*
*>>> Running: svn --non-interactive info 
*>>> Running: svn --non-interactive info 
*>>> Running: svn --non-interactive info 
*>>> Making HTTP GET request to 
*>>> Cached response for HTTP GET 
http://machinesmith.zhilabs.net/api/validation/diffs/ expired and was 
*>>> Making HTTP POST request to 
*>>> Making HTTP GET request to 
*>>> Cached response for HTTP GET 
expired and was modified*
*>>> Making HTTP POST request to 
*>>> Making HTTP GET request to 
*>>> Added cache entry for HTTP GET request to 
*>>> Making HTTP POST request to 
*>>> Making HTTP GET request to 
*>>> Added cache entry for HTTP GET request to 
*Review request #271 posted.*


Maybe there's and kind of relationship with reviewboard server 
configuration, or maybe with diff tool used, but I definitivelly use 
support in order to get it.

Thanks in advance.

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