Hi everyone,

I'm very excited to say, we've just released Review Board 6!

This is a pretty packed release that works to:

   - Enhance the look and feel, accessibility, and mobile use of the UI
   (setting the stage for bigger changes in Review Board 7)
   - Rework the review experience, helping new users craft reviews, and
   helping existing users manage and bulk-publish their drafts (reducing
   e-mail in the process!)
   - Ease writing Markdown text, with a new formatting toolbar
   - Manage file attachments, making it easier to work with new
   attachments, delete old ones, and undo those deletions without resetting
   your whole draft
   - Improve our extension capabilities, adding a new Actions system and
   letting extension authors write client-side extensions with TypeScript
   - Better integrate with monitoring services and infrastructure like
   Docker or Kubernetes through a new health check endpoint.

Plus a whole lot more.

There are screenshots and further details in the official announcement
<https://www.reviewboard.org/news/2023/10/17/announcing-review-board-6/> and
plenty of details on everything else in the release notes

If you're running Review Board 5, your upgrade process should be pretty
straight-forward. There's only one database change (for file attachments).
We have dropped Python 3.7 support, so you'll need 3.8 or higher.

The Docker images have been updated, and now include both X86-64 and ARM64

Thanks to those who gave us feedback throughout 6.0! We're already at work
on 7.0, which will be based on Django 4.2 LTS and feature some refinements
to the UI and to some of the features introduced in 6.0. This will be a
smaller release, and we plan to have it out by Q2 2024.


Christian Hammond
President/CEO of Beanbag <https://www.beanbaginc.com/>
Makers of Review Board <https://www.reviewboard.org/>

Supercharge your Review Board with Power Pack: 
Want us to host Review Board for you? Check out RBCommons: 
Happy user? Let us know! https://www.reviewboard.org/users/
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