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Ship it!

- Bill Farner

On July 31, 2015, 11:03 p.m., Maxim Khutornenko wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> https://reviews.apache.org/r/37001/
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> (Updated July 31, 2015, 11:03 p.m.)
> Review request for Aurora, Bill Farner and Zameer Manji.
> Bugs: AURORA-1416
>     https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/AURORA-1416
> Repository: aurora
> Description
> -------
> This releaves `OfferManager` of task matching duties and encapsulates that 
> responsibility entirely within `TaskAssigner`. 
> Apologies for the large diff as there is no easy way to carve out multiple 
> commits here. The bulk of yellow/green is in test though.
> Summary of changes:
> - OfferManager becomes a purely API-based solution managing and exposing 
> offers
> - TaskAssigner inherits a simplified version of OfferManager.launchFirst() 
> and is now fully responsible for requesting a task launch
> - AssignmentResult is gone along with Function<HostOffer, Assignment>
> - TaskScheduler does not need OfferManager and StateManager anymore
> - TaskSchedulerTest is gone as the coverage it provides has been split 
> between OfferManagerImplTest and TaskSchedulerImplTest. TaskGroups coverage 
> was added in https://reviews.apache.org/r/36994
> Diffs
> -----
>   src/jmh/java/org/apache/aurora/benchmark/SchedulingBenchmarks.java 
> 5bc73d58c5914e0ece67f2c3845c62c50ea55222 
>   src/jmh/java/org/apache/aurora/benchmark/fakes/FakeOfferManager.java 
> f41330129b221008012fe2bd3632621badb2e125 
>   src/main/java/org/apache/aurora/scheduler/offers/OfferManager.java 
> 14bf265a9260548fc0a26696970fa8a84ebf687f 
>   src/main/java/org/apache/aurora/scheduler/scheduling/SchedulingModule.java 
> c7a1a46b52cfb60d595cd31d84390e85c657cf32 
>   src/main/java/org/apache/aurora/scheduler/scheduling/TaskScheduler.java 
> d4bd5299ddbdf108e2520b2ab8a7517cb4c6fff9 
>   src/main/java/org/apache/aurora/scheduler/state/TaskAssigner.java 
> 3acb45a9ffd88ccff0817acde602e133bf56ac4e 
>   src/test/java/org/apache/aurora/scheduler/offers/OfferManagerImplTest.java 
> 04be32e8bfe431f3b6a158753936e796b0cc906b 
> src/test/java/org/apache/aurora/scheduler/scheduling/TaskSchedulerImplTest.java
>  a2e2d4c918ad946f8bec256cb1be5e1ba8e2c40f 
>   src/test/java/org/apache/aurora/scheduler/scheduling/TaskSchedulerTest.java 
> 9a91e63e5b7e72848ec7cac1dfadc4b6e9431216 
>   src/test/java/org/apache/aurora/scheduler/state/TaskAssignerImplTest.java 
> f98818fe8649e5aa0104de197bc8573feeecd37c 
> Diff: https://reviews.apache.org/r/37001/diff/
> Testing
> -------
> ./gradlew -Pq build
> ./src/test/sh/org/apache/aurora/e2e/test_end_to_end.sh
> Benchmark testing - no noticable difference in general apart from the limit 
> constraint benchmark (the only dynamic group veto), which benefited from 
> reduced complexity (no isStaticallyBanned() call on every match iteration).
> Before:
> ```
> Benchmark                                                                     
> (numPendingTasks)   Mode  Cnt       Score       Error  Units
> SchedulingBenchmarks.ClusterFullUtilizationBenchmark.runBenchmark             
>               N/A  thrpt    5  201330.070 ± 13581.745  ops/s
> SchedulingBenchmarks.InsufficientResourcesSchedulingBenchmark.runBenchmark    
>               N/A  thrpt    5   28745.739 ±  3323.054  ops/s
> SchedulingBenchmarks.LimitConstraintMismatchSchedulingBenchmark.runBenchmark  
>               N/A  thrpt    5    2789.896 ±   447.990  ops/s
> SchedulingBenchmarks.PreemptorSlotSearchBenchmark.runBenchmark                
>                 1  thrpt    5      53.487 ±     4.865  ops/s
> SchedulingBenchmarks.PreemptorSlotSearchBenchmark.runBenchmark                
>                10  thrpt    5      54.061 ±     3.724  ops/s
> SchedulingBenchmarks.PreemptorSlotSearchBenchmark.runBenchmark                
>               100  thrpt    5      52.667 ±     5.017  ops/s
> SchedulingBenchmarks.PreemptorSlotSearchBenchmark.runBenchmark                
>              1000  thrpt    5      43.241 ±     1.809  ops/s
> SchedulingBenchmarks.ValueConstraintMismatchSchedulingBenchmark.runBenchmark  
>               N/A  thrpt    5   20517.686 ±  1312.178  ops/s
> ```
> After:
> ```
> Benchmark                                                                     
> (numPendingTasks)   Mode  Cnt       Score       Error  Units
> SchedulingBenchmarks.ClusterFullUtilizationBenchmark.runBenchmark             
>               N/A  thrpt    5  200476.140 ± 16369.588  ops/s
> SchedulingBenchmarks.InsufficientResourcesSchedulingBenchmark.runBenchmark    
>               N/A  thrpt    5   26137.553 ±  2704.818  ops/s
> SchedulingBenchmarks.LimitConstraintMismatchSchedulingBenchmark.runBenchmark  
>               N/A  thrpt    5   14111.832 ±    79.047  ops/s
> SchedulingBenchmarks.PreemptorSlotSearchBenchmark.runBenchmark                
>                 1  thrpt    5      56.197 ±     2.194  ops/s
> SchedulingBenchmarks.PreemptorSlotSearchBenchmark.runBenchmark                
>                10  thrpt    5      52.383 ±     2.795  ops/s
> SchedulingBenchmarks.PreemptorSlotSearchBenchmark.runBenchmark                
>               100  thrpt    5      51.301 ±     3.219  ops/s
> SchedulingBenchmarks.PreemptorSlotSearchBenchmark.runBenchmark                
>              1000  thrpt    5      43.742 ±     2.847  ops/s
> SchedulingBenchmarks.ValueConstraintMismatchSchedulingBenchmark.runBenchmark  
>               N/A  thrpt    5   20417.531 ±  1305.747  ops/s
> ```
> Thanks,
> Maxim Khutornenko

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