On March 13, 2016, 6:04 a.m., John Sirois wrote:
> > While your patch is rather easy, I am not sure it is the best way to move 
> > forward. It feels like it is crossing streams with 
> > https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/AURORA-1288. Putting some thought 
> > into this might be helpful in the long run.
> Bill Farner wrote:
>     FWIW i don't think it complicates or even diverges from that ticket.  In 
> my opinion it's yet to be seen whether it's feasible to use the same client 
> for a custom executor (at least, without a decent amount of modularization 
> work).  At the very least, that effort has lost momentum and we shouldn't 
> block progress for it.
> Stephan Erb wrote:
>     I mostly brought it up because the ticket also repeatedly mentions the 
> default Mesos command executor. Supporting this one does not sound to 
> different from supporting Docker without Thermos. It would also need similar 
> logic at the UI layer to allow use the Mesos sanbox UI instead of the Thermos 
> one.
>     I agree that we should not block progress here. I justed wanted to make 
> sure we are not rushing things (i.e., there isn't even a jira ticket right 
> now).
> Maxim Khutornenko wrote:
>     +1 to Stephan's concerns. The schema changes in this patch don't 
> necessarily convey enough meaning to paint a clear picture of where this 
> effort leads us. FWICT, nothing in the Task aside from resources is 
> applicable to the Docker case and it feels quite hacky to onboard a new 
> executor case this way.
>     > In my opinion it's yet to be seen whether it's feasible to use the same 
> client for a custom executor (at least, without a decent amount of 
> modularization work).
>     Bill, would you mind clarifying what this means? Are you expecting this 
> to be a purely experimental (POC) effort or is there a solid production 
> quality future here? If it's the former, would it be more appropriate to have 
> this effort baked in a private branch to avoid possibly unnecessary code 
> churn and review cycles?
> Bill Farner wrote:
>     | it feels quite hacky to onboard a new executor case this way
>     Suggestions solicited!  Just please don't forget that the intent is to 
> offer real, immediate value - the docker support in Aurora today is quite 
> crippled, and this will address the biggest shortcomings (entrypoints, and 
> zero required deps in images).
>     | FWICT, nothing in the Task aside from resources is applicable to the 
> Docker case
>     This is a good point.  Perhaps we should create a separate struct and 
> field in `Job` for this case?
>     | Bill, would you mind clarifying what this means?
>     What i mean is that the client, DSL, and executor all have relatively 
> high coupling.  Adding custom executor support in the client will require 
> non-trivial effort to break that coupling.  I would like to avoid blocking 
> this feature on that goal.
>     | Are you expecting this to be a purely experimental (POC) effort or is 
> there a solid production quality future here?
>     That is very much dependent on the underlying support in mesos.  Today, i 
> see it as the best support for docker containers in mesos.  It's been 
> available for some time, and the work here is entirely plumbing to enable it 
> in Aurora.
>     | would it be more appropriate to have this effort baked in a private 
> branch to avoid possibly unnecessary code churn and review cycles?
>     I don't foresee enough churn to warrant that.

Noting that I'm backing off this change until sentiment settles one way or the 
other.  If it settles in-favor I'll address both Stephan & Joshua's feedback at 
that point.

- John

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On March 12, 2016, 7:48 p.m., John Sirois wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> https://reviews.apache.org/r/44745/
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> (Updated March 12, 2016, 7:48 p.m.)
> Review request for Aurora, Joshua Cohen and Bill Farner.
> Repository: aurora
> Description
> -------
> This allows for a job config with no processes defined IFF there is also
> a Docker container defined.  In this case it is assumed that the process
> to run is the Docker container's ENTRYPOINT via the Mesos Docker
> containerizer.
>  src/main/python/apache/aurora/config/__init__.py    | 26 
> +++++++++++++++++++++++---
>  src/main/python/apache/aurora/config/thrift.py      |  9 +++++----
>  src/test/python/apache/aurora/client/test_config.py | 41 
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
>  src/test/python/apache/aurora/config/test_thrift.py |  5 +++++
>  4 files changed, 68 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)
> Diffs
> -----
>   src/main/python/apache/aurora/config/__init__.py 
> 65923be1cb8b88139b8eab0ac5b75428972d3cb1 
>   src/main/python/apache/aurora/config/thrift.py 
> be0cd68674a71bd4baadf276f40a4bc0223ce4be 
>   src/main/python/apache/thermos/config/schema_base.py 
> a6768e67189b0560afef844d6b269bed8ada5f2f 
>   src/test/python/apache/aurora/client/test_config.py 
> b1a3c1865819899ef19173be0f861783a2631d0a 
>   src/test/python/apache/aurora/config/test_thrift.py 
> 88292d3c4423c0555088a0adaee3c0e62ed0567e 
> Diff: https://reviews.apache.org/r/44745/diff/
> Testing
> -------
> Locally green `./build-support/jenkins/build.sh`
> I also patched in https://reviews.apache.org/r/44685/ which this change
> depends on and was able to run scheduler with
> `-allow_docker_parameters -require_docker_use_executor` and successfully
> run this job:
> ```
> import getpass
> jobs=[
>   Service(
>     cluster = 'devcluster',
>     role = getpass.getuser(),
>     environment = 'test',
>     name = 'http_example_docker_executor',
>     contact = '{{role}}@localhost',
>     instances = 1,
>     task = Task(
>       name = 'http_docker_example',
>       resources = Resources(cpu=0.4, ram=32*MB, disk=64*MB),
>       processes = []
>     ),
>     container = Container(
>       docker = Docker(
>         image = 'http_example',
>         parameters = [
>           Parameter(name = 'env', value = 'HTTP_PORT=8888'),
>           Parameter(name = 'expose', value = '8888'),
>           Parameter(name = 'publish', value = '8888:8888/tcp'),
>         ],
>       ),
>     ),
>   )
> ]
> ```
> Using the image created with
> `docker build -t http_example src/test/sh/org/apache/aurora/e2e` from:
> ```
> FROM python:2.7
> # mesos.native requires libcurl-nss to initialize MesosExecutorDriver
> RUN apt-get update && apt-get -y install libcurl4-nss-dev
> COPY http_example.py /tmp/
> ENTRYPOINT python /tmp/http_example.py $HTTP_PORT
> ```
> I could connect to http://aurora.local:8888 and get `Hello!` back.
> Thanks,
> John Sirois

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