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(Updated Oct. 5, 2017, 11:50 p.m.)

Review request for Aurora, Kai Huang and Santhosh Kumar Shanmugham.


Remove key warning.

Repository: aurora


Instance page moved over to the new UI. 

One of the big issues I ran into here was dealing with Thrift types. Currently 
the Thrift compiler generates a file for use in JS. The compiler gives you two 
options for JavaScript - one is 'node' which plays well with our module system 
but assumes you'll be using the built-in socket implementation in node, and 
then one for 'jquery' which uses the global namespace but doesn't use vars (so 
we can't eval as it breaks strict mode). So the TL;DR is - to write tests 
against scheduler states, I've had to copy and paste the Thrift enums into a 
test setup file. 

The alternative is to simply ignore Thrift types and duplicate it all without 
relying on globals. Thus making sure the tests and application code are using 
the same enums. However, this approach won't help you find any UI regressions 
when you update Thrift - and even worse, you won't spot any API regressions 
when developing the UI. So I've just gone for this approach for now.

Diffs (updated)

  ui/.eslintrc 8d37c60e1edd4528ce4abdf6dda18ec2dfc078f4 
  ui/package.json fe0397a888b337137c1d13b6f9559dae13698b0a 
  ui/src/main/js/components/InstanceHistory.js PRE-CREATION 
  ui/src/main/js/components/InstanceHistoryItem.js PRE-CREATION 
  ui/src/main/js/components/Layout.js 4ca54e318786859e23dc0444d7d2750817428e81 
  ui/src/main/js/components/StateMachine.js PRE-CREATION 
  ui/src/main/js/components/TaskDetails.js PRE-CREATION 
  ui/src/main/js/components/TaskStatus.js PRE-CREATION 
  ui/src/main/js/components/__tests__/InstanceHistory-test.js PRE-CREATION 
  ui/src/main/js/components/__tests__/InstanceHistoryItem-test.js PRE-CREATION 
  ui/src/main/js/components/__tests__/StateMachine-test.js PRE-CREATION 
  ui/src/main/js/index.js 4a879e6163eaabc203f2d3133419438c4e9730e8 
  ui/src/main/js/pages/Instance.js PRE-CREATION 
  ui/src/main/js/pages/__tests__/Instance-test.js PRE-CREATION 
  ui/src/main/js/test-utils/Builder.js PRE-CREATION 
  ui/src/main/js/test-utils/TaskBuilders.js PRE-CREATION 
  ui/src/main/js/test-utils/__tests__/Builder-test.js PRE-CREATION 
  ui/src/main/js/utils/Common.js 2e12e3cc6af75a62de9f11797f89dbf3279d2ce6 
  ui/src/main/js/utils/Task.js PRE-CREATION 
  ui/src/main/js/utils/Thrift.js PRE-CREATION 
  ui/src/main/sass/app.scss d9673d0e8faa0b565f92e068ed4e01de0c789e8d 
  ui/src/main/sass/components/_instance-page.scss PRE-CREATION 
  ui/src/main/sass/components/_state-machine.scss PRE-CREATION 
  ui/src/main/sass/components/_status.scss PRE-CREATION 
  ui/test-setup.js 054e7c2302aa70bc94a18581af5bd8e4e70559b1 

Diff: https://reviews.apache.org/r/62720/diff/3/

Changes: https://reviews.apache.org/r/62720/diff/2-3/


./gradlew ui:lint
./gradlew ui:test

Testing in Vagrant.

File Attachments

Active Task with State Machine component
Expanded Finished Task


David McLaughlin

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