Will Berkeley has posted comments on this change.

Change subject: IMPALA-3603 [DOCS] Document handling of NaN values

Patch Set 2:


There's a few instances of extra whitespace. There should be an editor 
configuration in whatever editor you use that will keep it from sneaking in 
(happens to everyone though).

Commit Message:

PS2, Line 13: This information has been added to the subsection
            : "Usage Notes:" in each topic:
            : "Impala does not evaluate NaN (not a number) values as
            : equal to any other numeric values, including NaN. For
            : example, the following statement, which evaluates
            : equality between two NaN values returns 'false':
The commit message doesn't need to be this detailed. I would just add a  
another sentence or so after your first to say what the change was and why it 
was (should be) changed:

"Added information in the "DOUBLE Data Type" (impala_double.html)
and the "FLOAT Data Type" (impala_float.html) topics to clarify
that Impala does not evaluate NaN as equal to any other floating point number. 
This behavior, while consistent with IEEE 754, might be confusing or surprising 
to users because some well-known databases like postgres behave differently."

PS2, Line 23: For patch set #2
The commit message shouldn't reference the revisions of the patch. It's meant 
to be the summary of the change that someone will read sometime in the future 
so they can quickly understand what was changed and why. The n revisions the 
patch went through aren't relevant.

If you want to detail what you changed between patch sets, comment on the 

File docs/shared/impala_common.xml:

PS2, Line 2298:       
Extra whitespace. Remove.

PS2, Line 2300: values
I would remove and just say "Impala does not evaluate NaN as equal to any other 
numeric value, including other NaN value"

PS2, Line 2300: (not a number)

PS2, Line 2301: , which evaluates equality
              :         between two NaN values

PS2, Line 2302: returns
Consider "evaluates to" rather than "returns"...I slightly prefer the former to 
the latter, but would be OK with either.

File docs/topics/impala_double.xml:

PS2, Line 80:     
Extra whitespace.

File docs/topics/impala_float.xml:

PS2, Line 74:     
Extra whitespace.

PS2, Line 76:     
Extra whitespace.

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Gerrit-MessageType: comment
Gerrit-Change-Id: Id9485b6790d58fafdae32332d2634cbe893d7fb0
Gerrit-PatchSet: 2
Gerrit-Project: Impala-ASF
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Owner: Laurel Hale <lau...@cloudera.com>
Gerrit-Reviewer: John Russell <jruss...@cloudera.com>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Will Berkeley <wdberke...@gmail.com>
Gerrit-HasComments: Yes

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