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Review request for mesos, Anand Mazumdar and Vinod Kone.

Bugs: MESOS-6283

Repository: mesos


This fixed the navigate error in Web UI because Web UI uses the
executor id of the task to search the corresponding sandbox directory.
Web UI uses the task id as the executor id if the executor id of the
task is empty when searching the sandbox directory. It works fine when
tasks are launched by `CommandExecutor` because the executor id of the
task is equal to the task id in this case. However, when tasks are
launched by `DefaultExecutor`, the executor id of the task is defined
in the framework side and may different with the task id. So we need to
fill the `ExecutorInfo` of the `TaskInfo` when `LAUNCH_GROUP` to avoid
the Web UI uses incorrect executor id to search sandbox directory.


  src/master/master.cpp c83ee2f9fa05372748ff5056229fbe2bf06bfabb 

Diff: https://reviews.apache.org/r/52470/diff/



haosdent huang

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