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Review request for mesos, Kapil Arya and Joseph Wu.

Bugs: MESOS-6658

Repository: mesos


The module manager holds a `static` map of RAII handles to loaded
dynamic libraries. The handles, e.g., make sure to `dclose` loaded
libraries when the handle is destructed.

Since the handle is a `static` variable, it will only be destructed
when the library gets unloaded. This might lead to inconsistencies
when libmesos's own destruction unloads e.g., a dynamic libprocess
also opened as part of a dynamic libraries `dlopen`, as the module's
cleanup would not find libprocess anymore.

Instead leak the handles to the `dlopen`'ed modules to "clean them up
implicitly" by the unloading.


  src/module/manager.hpp 78aea44c07cf0304d3c41728cc733dcf8bb60b0c 
  src/module/manager.cpp 2dd9aafd5493b7e64ee85e2dafe54a57aa07b17e 

Diff: https://reviews.apache.org/r/54753/diff/


* `make check` in on various Linux flavors in internal CI
* `make check` Mac OS 10.12, clang-trunk, SSL-enabled, failures due to unfixed 


Benjamin Bannier

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