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(Updated Dec. 22, 2016, 9:24 p.m.)

Review request for mesos and Jie Yu.


Referenced ARM documentation for the required stack alignment.

Bugs: MESOS-6835

Repository: mesos

Description (updated)

Currently in the Linux launcher when the stack is allocated and prepared for a 
call to clone() it is not properly aligned. This is not an issue for x86 or x64 
but for ARM64/AArch64 it is because of the requirement of having the stack 
aligned to a 16 byte boundary. While x86 and x64 also expect the stack to have 
a 16 byte aligned stack, it is not enforced. An explanation of the stack and 
requirements for ARM64 can be found here 
(specifically section that says SP mod 16 = 0. The stack must be 
quad-word aligned.)

Additionally, the way that the stack is currently allocated and passed to 
clone() accidentally chops off one entry, making a stack overflow using those 
missing 8 bytes a possibility. Fixing this while aligning the memory will fix 
both the issue of the stack overflow issue as well as the SIGBUS crash.


  3rdparty/stout/include/stout/os/linux.hpp 530f1a55b 

Diff: https://reviews.apache.org/r/54996/diff/


Built Mesos from source and am currently running it in a test cluster. Launched 
both Docker and Mesos tasks via Marathon without any resulting crash (initial 
crash only happened with Mesos containerizer + linux_launcher, not with the 


Aaron Wood

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