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Looks good overall, left some suggestions below. Main thing is I think we can 
simplify the test a bit if we don't need the mock executor and test 
containerizer. Also, seems these types of tests should be collected in a file 
called upgrade_tests.cpp so that we can more easily migrate them towards an 
approach that actually spins up different versions of components.

src/tests/master_tests.cpp (lines 6690 - 6695)

    I would suggest moving this into a file called upgrade_tests.cpp with a 
comment at the top like the following:
    // This file contains upgrade integration tests. Note that tests
    // in this file can only "spoof" an old version of a component,
    // since these run against the current version of the repository.
    // The long term plan for integration tests is to checkout
    // different releases of the repository and run components from
    // different releases against each other.
    That way we can hopefully collect all of the upgrade tests together, and 
ensure that these tests are migrated to tests that actually spin up different 

src/tests/master_tests.cpp (lines 6690 - 6694)

    We should clarify here that we start a regular agent to get a task 
launched, then we restart the master and when the agent re-registers we strip 
the allocation info in order to spoof an old (non-MULTI_ROLE agent).

src/tests/master_tests.cpp (lines 6704 - 6705)

    Why did you need a mock executor and test containerizer? Seems to me this 
can be simplified by just running a sleep task with no mocking?
    TaskInfo task = createTask(offers1.get()[0], "sleep 1000");
    You can find examples with:
    $ grep -R -i sleep src/test

src/tests/master_tests.cpp (line 6783)

    Is this flaky? Looking at the agent source, I believe this has to be 
`slaveFlags.registration_backoff_factor * 2`, no?

src/tests/master_tests.cpp (lines 6796 - 6798)

    You can wrap your loops like this if it fits in 80 characters:
      foreach (ExecutorInfo& executorInfo,
               *strippedReregisterSlaveMessage.mutable_executor_infos()) {

src/tests/master_tests.cpp (line 6834)

    Can you do a sweep for `s/.get()./->/` ?

src/tests/master_tests.cpp (line 6838)

    Feel free to use `.at("frameworks")` to avoid mutation here, ditto below 
for "tasks" and "executors"

- Benjamin Mahler

On Feb. 22, 2017, 5:43 p.m., Jay Guo wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> https://reviews.apache.org/r/56941/
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> (Updated Feb. 22, 2017, 5:43 p.m.)
> Review request for mesos, Benjamin Bannier, Benjamin Mahler, Guangya Liu, and 
> Michael Park.
> Bugs: MESOS-7063
>     https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MESOS-7063
> Repository: mesos
> Description
> -------
> When a non-MULTI_ROLE agent with running tasks re-registers, master
> should inject allocation roles for tasks/executors sent during
> re-registration.
> Diffs
> -----
>   src/tests/master_tests.cpp 357a9a47ef87be6cbc4256d8afabe63cd41b1ea1 
> Diff: https://reviews.apache.org/r/56941/diff/
> Testing
> -------
> make check
> Thanks,
> Jay Guo

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