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(Updated Aug. 5, 2017, 4:40 a.m.)

Review request for mesos, Alexander Rukletsov, Xiaojian Huang, and Neil Conway.


Rebase recent changes.

Bugs: MESOS-3982

Repository: mesos

Description (updated)

This implements some tests in previous todos for
quota functionality.

For posterity, removed comments are implemented in:
* An agent with quota'ed tasks disconnects and there are not enough free
  resources (alert and under quota situation): 
* An agent with quota'ed tasks disconnects and there are enough free
  resources (new offers): `SufficientAfterSlaveWithQuotaTaskDisconnect`
* Role quota is below its allocation (InverseOffer generation): This is not 
happening yet.
* Two roles, two frameworks, one is production but rejects offers, the
  other is greedy and tries to hijack the cluster which is prevented by
  quota: `GreedyFrameworkCannotHijackQuotaRole`
* Quota'ed and non-quota'ed roles, multiple frameworks in quota'ed role,
  ensure total allocation sums up to quota: `TotalAllocationSatisfiesQuota`
* Remove quota with no running tasks: `RemoveQuotaNoTask`
* Remove quota with running tasks: `RemoveQuotaWithTask`

Diffs (updated)

  src/tests/master_quota_tests.cpp 9d52f767c112abd55ab3f49d172eb6e3caea511b 

Diff: https://reviews.apache.org/r/53691/diff/4/

Changes: https://reviews.apache.org/r/53691/diff/3-4/



Zhitao Li

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