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Review request for mesos, Jie Yu and Jan Schlicht.

Repository: mesos


When implementing 'operator==' for protobufs as a patter we typically
first check that two 'optional' fields are set for both the left- and
righthand side, and only then compare their values, e.g., given a

    message Foo {
      optional string bar = 1;

we would implement 'operator==' similar to the following,

   bool operator==(const Foo& lhs, const Foo& rhs)
       if (lhs.has_bar() != rhs.has_bar()) {
         return false;

       if (lhs.bar() != rhs.bar()) {
         return false;

       return true;

One reason for this is that it allows us to distinguish an unset field
from a set field containing a default constructed value (if e.g.,
above 'lhs.has_bar()' was 'false', 'lhs.bar()' would return an empty

This patch makes sure we use the same pattern when checking
'Resource::DiskInfo::Source' for equality.


  src/common/resources.cpp 14b600ca1577be4910164396c75b866b53439ade 

Diff: https://reviews.apache.org/r/62282/diff/1/


`make check`


Benjamin Bannier

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