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(Updated Nov. 30, 2017, 3:41 p.m.)

Review request for mesos, Akash Gupta, Alexander Rukletsov, Jie Yu, John 
Kordich, Joseph Wu, and Li Li.


Rebased and added test results.

Repository: mesos


Similar to the check tests, with the `cpu` hard cap enabled, the task in
this test failed with an OOM error because PowerShell requires more
resources than were being allocated. The `defaultTaskResourcesString`
was moved into the `MesosTests` base class so that any test creating a
task can use these default resources, instead of a hard-coded string.
Additionally, the resources allocated by default for an agent were
increased so that multiple tasks can be run simultaneously (as this test

Diffs (updated)

  src/tests/check_tests.cpp f14b81aa06f6e0acbc2c3d4c65b0443d09127e78 
  src/tests/mesos.hpp c871878fb1e2ea2716da6232ea0ed766399068b6 

Diff: https://reviews.apache.org/r/63779/diff/2/

Changes: https://reviews.apache.org/r/63779/diff/1-2/

Testing (updated)

`make check` passed on CentOS 7

`ctest -C Debug` passed on Windows 10


Andrew Schwartzmeyer

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