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(Updated Dec. 11, 2017, 8:31 p.m.)

Review request for mesos, Benjamin Bannier and Greg Mann.


Addressed comments.

Repository: mesos


It's not correct to send resource version uuids for local resources
providers during agent re(registration) because the total resources from
those local resource providers are not sent in the same message.

Consider the following sequence of events:
(1) Agent disconnects
(2) Speculative operation fails in an RP, the RP bumps the version uuid
(3) Agent updates the RP’s resource version uuid
(4) Agent reregisters
(5) Master is informed about the new resource version uuid of that RP
(6) Master still has the old total of the RP
(7) Framework launch an operation assuming the old total, but with the
    new resource version uuid

This patch updated the `RegisterSlaveMessage` and
`ReregisterSlaveMessage` to only send resource version uuids for the
agent default resources.

Diffs (updated)

  src/master/master.hpp 5c26f2066aae31223ffdd76ed058d5a4e63a2603 
  src/master/master.cpp 55e919504b14f35415015ffb97c455f789733c6a 
  src/messages/messages.proto a13a6410891a45876b4458369c282aa4d502db08 
  src/slave/slave.cpp 373e393ca1e7c0c30c3474cc9e630e25ad92f235 
  src/tests/slave_tests.cpp 0fb2a63a5c9e7bd353c4f1b8f8f32e58e3e12e94 

Diff: https://reviews.apache.org/r/64494/diff/2/

Changes: https://reviews.apache.org/r/64494/diff/1-2/


make check


Jie Yu

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