It may be related to the fact that openssh 6.7 disables a number of ciphers, 
and that either a common cipher can't be determined, or that the cipher chosen 
has a bug in one of the implementations causing a check failure.

I had a system where the common cipher chosen was chacha20-poly1305 and it 
didn't work.  Forcing the cipher to be aes128-ctr worked ok.  (I used a 
command-line option to ssh, but there may be a .conf file setting too: server 
and/or client side).

Try running "ssh -vvv" to the target and have a look at the kex: 
server->client, client->server lines.  They look something like:

debug1: kex: server->client aes128-ctr hmac-md5 none
. . .
debug1: kex: client->server aes128-ctr hmac-md5 none

And if it's not that, the verbose log may give you another clue.  Also look at 
the sshd log on the target.


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Martin Bures
Sent: 29 September 2016 20:42
To: rfi
Subject: [Rfi] Windows SSH/SCP Connection Problems

We have two parallel builds of our Cyclone V-based system running.  One is 
running on a vintage 13.1 setup and a new one is based on a recent 
Yocto/meta-altera layer.  We would like to move to the new version completely 
and stop building the 13.1 but we have a blocker on Windows.  Half of the team 
is using DS-5 on Windows(15.1) along with WinSCP.  They are able to connect to 
the older system without issue.  They are unable to connect to the new system 
with SCP/SSH though SFTP works without a problem.  On Linux and Mac, I am able 
to connect to the new system without issue either.

When we try to connect with DS-5, we get the following error:
Unable to connect to TargetApp.
Failed target configuration:
Remote shell is not responding : Timed out executing command on target:

On the working system, openssh is at version 6.2p2.
On the unworking system, openssh is at version 7.1p2.

We have tried to connect on windows with both the paid and community version of 
DS-5 along with WinSCP.  The other oddity is that Putty is able to connect via 
ssh on the same machine without a problem.  We have tried googling this error 
message but I have not found anything that seems to match our issue.

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

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