
> Hi,
> On 2016-10-06 10:20, Lowell Gilbert wrote:
>> writes:
>>> How do I get from the FPGA design a device tree, or the information to
>>> write one?
>> Try the "Generating the Device Tree" documentation on
> I found this[1] which leads to an empty page[2] so I found this[3]
> which says:"Warning: The Linux Device Tree Generator is tested with
> and supports only the Linux kernel version targeted by the associated
> GSRD. For the current 16.0 GSRD release this 3.10-ltsi. It is not
> recommended to use the Linux Device Tree Generator if your design
> targets a different Linux kernel version. It is instead recommended to
> manage the Device Tree manually in such a case, using the Device Tree
> files provided by the kernel as a baseline, and adding the FPGA IP and
> board information manually."
> As I said, I'm on mainline 4.4.x.

In my opinion, that warning is overstated. There's a fair amount more
work involved in using sopc2dts on an "unsupported" kernel than on the
officially supported one, but it's still a lot less effort than writing
the dts by hand.

> I would need a bit more information between which IP blocks are
> supported in mainline Linux and device tree examples would help.

Aside from the ones that ship with stock kernel sources these days?

 - Lowell
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