Hey Mike,

Another option for your app.config would be to bind everything to "", which will make Riak listen on all interfaces.  This combined with using a domain name in the vm.args should prevent you from having to do renames/changing ips in the config files.  
If you do this, please consider using a VPC to limit access to the machines.  

A good resource to read over is Amazon's Riak Whitepaper: http://media.amazonwebservices.com/AWS_NoSQL_Riak.pdf, as it goes through some operation considerations and tuning points that might be useful to you.


On September 19, 2013 at 6:52:29 PM, Mike Nathe (mna...@fathom-i.com) wrote:


we are trying to run Riak in the Amazon cloud (using OpsWorks).
With every restart of the servers the ip addresses change so using an entry in the /etc/hosts instead of an IP looks like a great idea.

Google's answer is:

Just to make sure: Riak only supports IP addresses and not DNS names in the config files.
Though in your docs it still says:
"Riak identifies other machines in the ring using Erlang identifiers (<hostname or IP>, ex: riak@"

The error logged when changing our config from something like to riaknode2-ext is:

2013-09-19 21:49:53.383 [error] <0.113.0> Supervisor riak_core_sup had child "http_riaknode2-ext:8098" started with webmachine_mochiweb:start([{name,"http_riaknode2-ext:8098"},{ip,"riaknode2-ext"},{port,8098},{nodelay,true},{log_dir,"log"},...]) at undefined exit with reason {'EXIT',{{badmatch,{error,einval}},[{mochiweb_socket_server,parse_options,2},{mochiweb_socket_server,start,1},{supervisor,do_start_child,2},{supervisor,start_children,3},{supervisor,init_children,2},{gen_server,init_it,6},{proc_lib,init_p_do_apply,3}]}} in context start_error

Thanks a bunch.

Have a great day.
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