On Tue, 11 May 1999, Armel Le Bail wrote:

> I already suggested to install such an "automatic" powder diffractometer
> at ILL. As Alan wrote recently, this could be a question of manpower.
> I think that this is rather a local political question : it is not a very
> interesting job for a human being to be a simple sample loader...

A scheme like this could open up NPD to a wider range of users which would
inevitably mean new users...? The simple loader might get involved in a
lot of collaborations by returing refinement results instead of just raw
data. They would also be in a unique position to offer the odd favour here
and there. So long as it doesn't mean getting up every six hours then I
think it sounds like a fantastic job. 

In any case - since simaltaneous fitting is being discussed - I have
a question about multipattern fullprof which is now available as a beta
version. It appears you can assign the statistical weight to each pattern,
and in the example x-rays and neutrons are weighted equally. I'm wondering
what the best choice is. Each observation comes with a statistical weight
from the experiment? Isn't it a sin to alter that?

Jon Wright

  PhD Student, Dept. of Chemistry, Lensfield Road, Cambridge, CB2 1EW, UK

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