At 14:27 31/05/2000, you wrote:
>Could somebody send me information about the structure of
>(synthetic) anorthite (CaO-Al2O3-2SiO2)?

Try the following from ICSD & also

Matsui,T. Kimata,M. (1997) European Journal of Mineralogy (1,1989- 9 333-344
Crystal chemistry of synthetic Mn-bearing anorthite: incorporation of Mn 
Al2 Si2 O8 end-member into feldspar

Ghose,S. McMullan,RK. Weber,H-P. (1993) Z.Kristallogr 204 215-237
Studies of the P1- I1- transition in anorthite, Ca Al2 Si2 O8, and the 
crystal structure of the body-centered phase at 514 K

Angel,RJ. (1988) Am.Miner 73 1114-1119
High-pressure structure of anorthite

Dr Alan W. Hewat, Diffraction Group Leader,
Institut Laue-Langevin Grenoble FRANCE <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> tel (33)   fax (33)

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