structure of Ba2Fe8O14 with P-3m1 symmetry and c parameter about 9.6 A?
It is mentioned in several papers as 'early published'

The best ICSD does is BaFe4O7 with P63/m and c parameter 13.8A ie ~sqrt(2) times your c-parameter.

Okamoto, S.;Okamoto, S.I.;Ito, T. The crystal structure of barium diferrite (1973)
 Acta Crystallographica B 29, 832-838 XRef 

There are many similar barium ferrites, often with P63/mmc symmetry, differing in how Fe is ordered in the pyramidal holes. A common feature appears to be a layer of pairs of FeO4 pyramids joined along c by a common corner and separated by 0,1,2... layers of edge connected pyramids eg starting with the simplest where Fe is again Fe+++

Meriani, S. Polymorphism of barium monoferrite, Ba Fe2 O4
Acta Crystallographica B (1972) 28, 1241-1243 XRef

But maybe you know all this... Alan.

Dr Alan W. Hewat, Diffraction Group Leader.
Institut Laue-Langevin, BP 156X Grenoble FRANCE 38042
fax (33) tel (33) (or .26 Mme Guillermet)

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