Run REFLIST & request the file output of one phase of reflections to an ASCII file. 
FWHM is the 7th column.
Bob Von Dreele


From: Marcelo J.G. Silva [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Fri 8/27/2004 2:23 PM
To: Rietveld List

Dear all,
Even though I know this is a recurrent issue,
I could not find in previous discussions on the list if GSAS and/or EXPGUI list the 
FWHM for the present reflections.
In the manual on page 216 there is  a reference to the program REFLIST but it does not 
show the FWHM on the output (as stated in the manual, all the other parameters are 
listed in the output bu the FW).
Could some one clarify that, does one need to calculate or somewhere GSAS does it for 
Thank you,
Marcelo J. Gomes da Silva - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PhD Candidate
Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering
127 Reber Building, University Park, PA 16802 U.S.A.
The Pennsylvania State University

  • FWHMax Marcelo J.G. Silva
    • Von Dreele, Robert B.

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