Thanks,it will take a while (as usual) to implement.

R.B. Von Dreele
IPNS Division
Argonne National Laboratory
Argonne, IL 60439-4814

-----Original Message-----
From: Nicolae Popa [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, April 17, 2005 1:27 AM


A "nice" math. description amenable to RR exists, take a look at
JAC(2002) 35, 338-346. "Nice" because the size profile is described by a
pV (at "regular" lognormal
dispersions) or by a sum of maximum three Lorentzians (at large
lognormal dispersions - those 3% that Alan spiked about). The breadths
and mixing parameters of pV or of the sum of Lorenzians are calculated
analytically from the two parameters of the lognormal distribution, <R>
and c.  You realize that if approximate the instrumental and the strain
profiles by Voigts, it results a sum of three Voigts for the whole
profile and for a fast computation, every Voigt can be replaced by our
loved TCH pV.

Best wishes,

> Nic,
> Well, I have been tempted from time to time to implement a "log 
> normal"
type distribution in on eof the profile functions. A "nice" math
description ameanable to RR would help.
> Bob

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