At 14:43 22/04/2005, Angus P. Wilkinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
>Do none of the user facilities have a data management system in place for 
>their instruments?

Well yes Angus :-) For the past 30+ years ILL has stored all instrument data as 
simple ASCII files with a data format described in the first few lines of the 
file. ASCII was chosen because it will survive generations of computer hardware 
and operating systems, because it is human readable, and because it compresses 
well if you need to do that. Neutron sources can afford to keep almost all 
data, but this is often not possible for data from high flux synchrotron 
sources. Fortunately (?) data storage capacities have grown much faster than 
neutron intensities and data volume. There are working groups and conferences 
on this subject, so I am copying this to our local expert if you want to follow 
it up. Alan. 
Dr Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble, FRANCE  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> fax (33)
(33) (.26 Mme Guillermet) 

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