Bob Hanson is rapidly developing the display of 2D and 3D isosurfaces with 
Jmol, and these are potentially interesting for displaying cavities in 
inorganic structures, particularly framework structures like zeolites, synroc 
(hollandite) etc eg: click on "demo" and then on the structure formulae on:
then click on "cavities". Switch off the polyhedra and bonds for a clearer view.
also looks nice, but takes a few seconds to display (depending on your 

I would be interested if people had suggestions about how useful this kind of 
thing might be, and if they had any suggestions. Alan.
Dr Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble, FRANCE<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>fax+33.476.20.76.48
+33.476.20.72.13 (.26 Mme Guillermet)

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