I have just down loaded 3 new versions of GSAS to the ccp14 web site.
These are for MS Windows, RedHat Enterprise 4 linux & Fedora 4 linux.
The last two are not interchangable as the former has more of the
libraries within the distribution. The changes are a) a bug fix for
gsas2cif and b) improvements to the powder graphics routines. After
seeing the recent discussion in the Rietveld e-mail list, I added the
options of Q-space and sqrt(I) powder pattern plotting. I also
"improved" the appearance of these plots by using the "real" Greek
characters where ever needed (theta, mu, etc.) and superscripts for
powers of 10. All this works quite nicely in Windows and linux
(X-windows) graphics.
As usual - let me know of bugs & "features".
Bob Von Dreele

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