Hi All,
After some thrashing around and getting used to the unique Apple
approach to computers, I now have made a MacOSX version of GSAS. This
supercedes the one prepared by Brian Toby and is identical to the
Windows/Linux versions released about a month ago (June 12). It was
compiled with g77 and thus should be very similar to that on the other
machines. I do note that the various operating systems & g77 do not
"round" in exactly the same way so there will be very small differences
between "identical" runs on each. See the specific notes from
gsasnews.txt on this below. Please note that this is a "beta" test
version. It did "pass" all my tests but one never knows.... Please let
me know of any oddities you may find.
Bob Von Dreele
1. A new GSAS kit is now available at the CCP14 web site. It is for the
MacOS10.4 on Intel operating system. This differs from the one currently
mg provided by Brian Toby. This one is built using a version of the g77
Fortran compiler that closely matched that used for Windows & Linux.
Your Mac must be runnig OS10.4 (not 10.3 or earlier) and have the X11
optional package installed. Because the setup on a Mac is complicated by
the changes Apple has made to the BSD Unix operating system, I suggest
you download & install Brian Toby's version first and then download &
install the new one from CCP14 on top of it thus replacing the GSAS
executables, etc. with the new ones. One should consider this to be much
more of a "beta" test version of GSAS as there may be undetected errors
because of the newness of the platform for GSAS.

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