Le-Bail and Pawley methods give extra freedom to intensities which may
lead to adverse correlations between peak intensities and shape
especially for noisy and overlapped data. In Rietveld refinement the
intensities are restrained by the structure model and the
instrument-related parameters, so if the parameters are chosen
correctly you have a chance to reduce the correlations and obtain more
accurate results. Unfortunately, it is not always easy to choose
structural and instrumental parameters correctly enough. Anyhow, it is
better to try both variants and see the difference that might give,
besides, an estimation of the uncertainties.

Leonid Solovyov

>Dear All,
>I was wondering if there are any advantages of using Rietveld vs Le
> Bail 
>refinements when crystallite size and cell parameters are the only 
>variables of interest?
>Thank you,

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