Brian wrote:
>U and W should be instrumental constants that will not change with >sample, 
>while V can have both an instrumental and a
>residual stress component.

Maxim wrote:
>as far as I understand, the strain broadening term should have FWMM~theta 
>>dependence, i.e. Lorentzian Y in "standard" (GSAS) notation.
>For the Gaussian part you have
>and the term that varies roughly as ~theta is U, not V.
>Therefore, based on that and probably erroneously, I used to refine U 
>>parameter rather than V (+ P, X, Y, of course).
>I am wondering if somebody could make this more clear?

Dear Brian and Maxim,

In fact, the term responsible for the Gaussian strain component is U, not V.


Leonid A. Solovyov
Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
660049, K. Marx 42, Krasnoyarsk, Russia


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