Back to basics.  Caglioti Function is instrument function and is often times 
used inappropriately.
Just my two cents worth (and these days, 2-cents ain't worth much.......)
Frank May
St. Louis, Missouri  U.S.A.


From: Jon Wright []
Sent: Thu 3/19/2009 8:58 AM
Cc: Rietveld Method
Subject: Re: UVW - how to avoid negative widths?

>  According to Caglioti relation, the dimensions of U,V,W are as (angle)^2.

Quick question - does anyone have a trick to stop the Cagliotti formula
going negative? Prodd currently has a habit of bugging out on a
sqrt(negative) and I'm wondering how other folks worked around that, or
if I've got something completely wrong...?



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