Early Stage Researcher (ESR) in Metal Hydride Development

In the framework of the European Marie Curie Initial Training Network "ECOSTORE 
- Novel Complex Metal Hydrides for Efficient and Compact Storage of Renewable 
Energy as Hydrogen and Electricity" 
(www.ecostore-itn.eu<http://www.ecostore-itn.eu/>) the Laboratory of 
Crystallography of the University of Geneva is offering an ESR position for 
post graduate students interested in the development of light metal hydrides 
for battery applications.
ECOSTORE consists of 9 European universities and research institutes from 
Denmark, Italy, France, Greece, Norway, Switzerland, UK, and Germany, 2 
Japanese universities and 3 industrial partners from France and Germany. It is 
co-ordinated by Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht, Germany. The aim of the network 
is the characterization and optimization of novel boron and nitrogen based 
light metal hydrides and their composites for hydrogen storage and batteries. 
The results are the basis for further optimisation of such materials for mobile 
and stationary energy storage applications, e.g. in emission-free automobiles 
or for storage of electrical energy from intermittent renewables.

Tasks: The position involves the synthesis of novel lithium based bi- and 
tri-metallic borohydrides containing alkali, alkali earths or transition metals 
by reactive ball milling, e.g. under hydrogen atmosphere or cryo-ball milling. 
The new materials will be characterized structurally and regarding lithium 
mobility. The aim is to tailor ion conductivity properties as a function of 
composition of the novel bi- and tri-metallic borohydrides.
The candidates are expected to present the results on project meetings, 
international conferences, and in scientific publications.

Qualifications: A master degree in materials science, physics, or inorganic 
chemistry, or related fields is required. Experiences in the fields of solid 
state synthesis, electrochemistry and crystallography are highly desirable. 
Knowledge in metal hydrides and/or hydrogen technology would be an additional 
advantage. Appropriate presentation, communication, and writing skills are 

Opportunities: In the context of a personal Career Development Plan exchanges 
with partners of the network (Institut de Chimie et des Matériaux Paris-Est, 
CNRS, France; Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan; SAFT Batteries, Bordeaux, 
France), each lasting 1 - 2 months. Also extended visits to other partners of 
the network will be conducted for joint measurements. Furthermore the applicant 
will have the chance to visit several hydrogen technology related scientific 
training workshops and Complementary Skills seminars. Opportunity for carrying 
out a PhD thesis at the University of Geneva is offered.

Restrictions: Because of Marie Curie funding restrictions, the applicant must 
not have worked for more than 12 months in Switzerland within the last 3 years 
before the date of recruitment. The potential candidate must not have more than 
4 years research experience since finishing his master degree and must not have 
finished his PhD thesis. The position will be paid according to Marie Curie 
rules and includes a certain amount of travel allowances.

Time frame: Applications will be considered until the position is filled. Work 
in the position shall start around March 2014. The position is limited to a 
duration of 36 months.

University of Geneva and the EU seek to increase the number of women in 
science. Therefore especially female researchers are strongly encouraged to 
apply. Handicapped persons with equal qualifications will be preferred.

Interested students should send their application together with the usual 
attachments (CV, copies of degrees and other qualifications, research 
interests, publication list) by e-mail to Prof. Radovan Cerny, University of 
Geneva, 24, quai Ernest-Ansermet, CH-1211 Geneva, Switzerland, 

Radovan Cerny
Laboratoire de Cristallographie
Université de Genève
24, quai Ernest-Ansermet
CH-1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland
Phone  : [+[41] 22] 37 964 50, FAX : [+[41] 22] 37 961 08
mailto : radovan.ce...@unige.ch
URL    : http://www.unige.ch/sciences/crystal/cerny/rcerny.htm

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