
In the reference below they say they purchased 2-4 micron grain size from Nilaco (perhaps it was: http://nilaco.jp/en/order.php?DIR=CHEMI&MENU=15&CODE=&FROM=14&ITEM1=Diamond_Powder&ITEM2=Powder).

/J. Synchrotron Rad./(2014).*21*, 119-126 [doi:10.1107/S1600577513028269 <http://dx.doi.org/10.1107/S1600577513028269>]

     Model-independent structure factors from powder X-ray diffraction:
     a novel approach

     T. Straasø

*Abstract:*Under the experimental condition that all Bragg peaks in a powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) pattern have the same shape, one can readily obtain the Bragg intensities without fitting any parameters. This condition is fulfilled at the P02.1 beamline at PETRA III using the seventh harmonic from a 23 mm-period undulator (60 keV) at a distance of 65 m. For grain sizes of the order of 1 µm, the Bragg peak shape in the PXRD is entirely determined by the diameter of the capillary containing the powder sample and the pixel size of the image plate detector, and consequently it is independent of the scattering angle. As an example, a diamond powder has been chosen and structure factors derived which are in accordance with those calculated from density functional theory methods of the/WIEN2k/package to within an accuracy that allows a detailed electron density analysis.



On 19/06/2015 09:10, Tony Raftery wrote:


Can someone tell me where to source diamond for use as internal standard.

It needs to be ‘ideal’ – small particle size ( 1um would be good), narrow particle size distribution, elementally pure (which precludes most ‘natural’ diamond), fully crystalline (or near so).

Please contact me directly though there are others who may be interested.


Tony Raftery

*Tony Raftery*|  Laboratory Manager – X-ray & Particles Laboratory
*Central Analytical Research Facility (IFE)**| Queensland University of Technology*

P Block Podium, Level 6, Room P-628, Gardens Point Campus
*ph* 3138 5122 | *fax* 3138 4438 | *mobile* 0481 008 595 *email* a.raft...@qut.edu.au <mailto:a.raft...@qut.edu.au>
CRICOS No 00213J

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