Dear colleagues

On behalf of the ESRF Users organization and the Organizing Committee of the UDM3, we invite you to participate in *the 2017 Users' Meeting & the associated User-dedicated Microsymposium on **“Operando structural studies in Materials Science"

*The microsymposium will be held on February 8^th 2016 at the ESRF.*The 7^th of February will be dedicated to the plenary sessions of the ESRF Users’ meeting.

*We encourage you to actively**participate by submitting an abstract for oral contribution at the microsymposium.* Presentations on remarkable scientific results and/or novel technical developments which can be of interest for the specific scientific area are welcome. In particular, young scientists are encouraged to submit a contribution.

You can find the abstract template here:

*Submission Deadline**: 27 November 2016*

For further details on the Users’ Meeting, please visit the homepage:

Feel free to forward this email to anyone potentially interested in the topic.

We look forward to meeting you during the 2017 Users' Meeting & the associated User-dedicated Microsymposium.

The Organizing Committee/_

_UOC Organisers_:
Michela Brunelli (SNBL/ESRF),
Alejandro Fernandez-Martinez (ISTerre, CNRS Grenoble),
Sébastien Merkel (Univ. Lille)

_ESRF Organisers_:
Marco di Michiel, Gavin B.M Vaughan

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