
Hilgenberg GmBh appears to be the major supplier of glass capillaries. There are some companies purchasing form Hilgenberg in great quantities (so to benefit of a light discount) and reselling them in 25 piece units...but at the end the original supplier is the same.

Regarding properties, you can find absorption coefficients and softening temperatures  of each of your mentioned glass in

Quartz tubes are more expensive and are generally used for high temperatures. Then at RT  there is the possibility to use Kapton tubes but hey do not have funnels which is very convenient for filling.

Please feedback to the community if you  discover an alternative supplier.

Cheers from Barcelona

Dr. FAUTH Francois      Experiments Division
CELLS - ALBA    http://www.cells.es
Carrer de la Llum 2-26
08290 Cerdanyola del Vallès, Barcelona (Spain)
Phone/Fax +34 93 592 4325 / +34 93 592 4301

On 11/8/2017 7:23 AM, Davide Levy wrote:


Which are the best mark-tubes for diffraction? Borosilicates glass, soda-lime glass, Lindeman glass or quartz?
which is the best brand?

Thank you


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  • mark-tubes Davide Levy
    • Re: mark-tubes Fauth Francois

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