Sent on behalf of Antonio Cervellino (SLS), who's not in the rietveld list.



I have read quickly the paper (not attached but I found it)
It uses a single SRM and a single instrument, and a single geometry,
without reference to the accuracy of its angular calibration.
Therefore I consider it not fully credible.
One would need to compare 2-3 different certified SRMs (e.g. 660a, 640d - not many peaks maybe - or the NAC). Considerations about sample-dependent effects would be then assuaged. In the absence of enough certified SRM,
powders measured also with other instruments (and at synchrotron) would do.
Also some instruments allow using both flat-plate and capillary geometry -
that would be interesting to compare too.
For reference,
our angular calibration (that we repeat with a certain frequency) is credible to within 0.001 deg,
if you consider thermal expansion of the detector box for Delta T <~ 1 deg.

As for the patent. They use a criterion SUM(ABS(Delta(2theta))=0. This is the 1-norm of the angle difference. The 2-norm SQRT(SUM((Delta(2theta)**2))=0  would be as effective or more and they are not patenting it. Generally one can use (SUM(ABS(Delta(2theta))**p))**(1/p)=0, where p is any real number >= 1 (this defines the p-norm). The ABS is necessary if p is not an even integer. So if you think that the 1-norm is better, but is patented, then use the 1.001-norm. ;-)


Dr. Antonio Cervellino
Beamline scientist – X04SA-MS beamline
Swiss Light Source
Paul Scherrer Institut
CH-5232 Villigen PSI
Phone : +41 56 310 46 11


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