Dear Masami Tsubota,
thanks for pointing to the paper. To be honest I'm not completely clear about the meaning of some termini used in the summary, and about the value of this new criterion. My questions:

1) What does "peak shift" really mean in this context? Obviously you discuss any difference between a "measured" or "refined" angular peak position and the theoretical Bragg angle calculated from referenced or refined lattice parameters, plotted in fig. 1. Ok, the reference Bragg position is clear. It is also known (since Klug & Alexander, Wilson etc. in the 1950ies) that numerous geometrical effects complicate the peak shape, apparently "shift" the peak maximum from its theoretical value, and that these effects are strongly angular dependent (Jenkins, Schreiner in the 1980ies, textbooks...). Btw this is how the trends in fig 1 and 3 look like. Of course, if not taken into account correctly, these effects will bias the lattice parameters systematically. Basically, the primary question is how accurate we can model/calculate/correct all these effects in our Rietveld refinement procedure. Let us assume that our peak shape model (no matter if in Rietveld, LeBail or local unconstrained profile fitting) includes these well-known geometrical aberrations of the maximum positions by any "fundamental parameter" or "ray tracing" approach, and the wavelength profile used in the convolution fits to the instrument correctly. Such approach includes besides the asymmetry also the instrumental/geometrical aberrations of the angular peak position, but of course not the unknowns related to the individual sample preparation (transparency Ts) and the individual instruments alignment (zero point Z and sample displacement Ds). As I understood, the latter 3 unknowns are included/refined in the model in this paper too (equation 1) and should be well refineable in all Rietveld programs when the pattern is good and measured up to high 2theta. So, what additional kind of "peak shifts" else are discussed her? Or, do you rely only on the systematic, geometrically caused deviations of peak maximum positions when fitted "traditionally" (by analytical functions) in your Rietveld program? If yes, is your criterion maybe obsolete in refinements applying good FPA models?

2) What does "reproducibility of the peak shift" mean? How good a peak position (or shift from the reference value) can be reproduced by repetition of the measurement (including preparation), as I would expect from the usual meaning of the word "reproducibility" in analytical work? Or do you simply mean "how good your refinement model can fit the peak positions of the measured pattern"? If you mean the latter, we are back to the discussion above that an incorrect (or oversimplified) peak shape model in a Rietveld analysis may bias the refined lattice parameters. In my understanding, such kind of bias is a systematic error, simply caused by an incorrect model, and the term "reproducibility" sounds a bit misleading in this context.

3) It is clear that systematically wrong (fixed) lattice parameters will enhance the number of the proposed criterion (fig. 2 e,f). But what will happen in a practical refinement when the angular range is smaller, Z, Ts and Ds become more correlated, and maybe additional nonsense profile parameters are started to refine and compensate each other, e.g. for more broadened peak profiles? Will the values of this criterion still give a clear indication of any systematic error, or will they maybe masked by such correlation effects?

A few cents from a personal view: Of course I agree that the observation of any systematic misfit in the peak positions in Rietveld refinement is a valuable information, e.g. for identification of instrumental misalignment, or pointing to erroneous peak profile description in a FPA model. However, to get reliable lattice parameters in Rietveld refinement with a FPA model it is a recommended strategy to admix silicon SRM640c to a powder sample, fix the lattice parameters of this internal standard to the theoretical value during the refinement, and refine/adjust for example sample transparency parameters (a typical unknown in practice) in the peak profile model, until the profile and the peak position of the standard peaks are well fitted. So we can "anchor" the correlated angular effects by the standard peaks. But this is possible to do without this new criterion, so I'm not convinced of the necessity of the criterion proposed, at the moment.

Best regards


Am 14/11/2017 um 16:55 schrieb Johannes Birkenstock:

Dear Masami Tsubota,

thanks for directing us to your interesting, free access article. However, it is not stated in the article whether and how the new criterion could be applied in usual Rietveld refinements of non-certified samples.

Am I right that your new criterion (Σ|Δ2θR|(sum or all) = Min) relies on the previous knowledge of the true, correct lattice parameter (which was certified for LaB6 in case of the NIST material SRM 660a treated in the article)?

I conclude that from combining the relations given in the paper:  Δ2θR = Δ2θexp + Δ2θana = Δ2θexp + 2·(arcsin(1/A · sinθ)-θ)  = Δ2θexp + 2·(arcsin(a_SRM/a_refined · sinθ)-θ), i.e., the correction seems to rely on the known certified value of lattice parameter a_SRM.

If this is correct, how could this criterion be applied to any other sample? Or is it only meant for standard reference materials?

With best regards,

Am 14.11.2017 um 06:15 schrieb TSUBOTA Masami:
Dear Larry,

Thank you for your comments.

The reasons why we showed the results applying the Howard's method
for the asymmetry function in our manuscript are:
1) the peaks were fairly symmetric for the in-house data,
2) no detailed information about the apparatus such as the goniometer radius, 3) one cannot reproduce the diffraction peak asymmetry completely even for
 the Finger's method,
4) The effect of the asymmmetry on 2th angle affects in the low 2th region,
 however, the peak-shift in the high 2th region is much more important
 to obtain the true lattice parameters,
5) the number of the parameters is smaller than the Finger's method,
6) we have confirmed that there is no difference of our findings between
  the Howard's and Finger's methods.

You can also try the Finger's method as well. Prof. Le Bail shares
his high quality data with us on the Internet.

Best regards,

On 2017/11/14 12:22, Larry Finger wrote:
On 11/13/2017 08:54 PM, TSUBOTA Masami wrote:
Dear Rietvelters,

I'd like to introduce our following article.

Accuracy of refinement parameters in the Rietveld method is not so good.
We have carefully investigated the reason, focusing on the peak-shift.

Our results show that a proportional unit-cell compared to the true one is obtained in the conventional Rietveld method. We propose an additional
criterion to obtain the true lattice parameters accurately.

Hope this might be useful or interesting to you.


The manuscript is very interesting, and appears to provide useful
information regarding the accuracy of lattice constants.

That said, why did you choose the ad-hoc method of Howard for
compensating for peak asymmetry, which is largely due to axial
divergence? The method of Finger, Cox and Jephcoat ("A correction for
powder diffraction peak asymmetry due to axial divergence", J. Appl.
Cryst. (1994). 27, 892-900) applies the optics of the diffractometer to
describe the asymmetry, AND the associated peak shift. Yes, the method
is computationally intensive, but it is physically superior to merely
adding sums of Gaussians. For most studies using small aperture slits
with minimal asymmetry, it probably does not matter; however, your study
in which a great deal is made of peak shifts, should use the best



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