Dear Dr. Bianchini,

in such structures you have typically also stacking faulting (very frequently h+k equal 3n yields narrow reflections, of a hexagonal setting is adopted but it depends on the actual structure). That broadening cannot be simply described as anisotropic size or micostrain (although sometimes you can describe the most severe misfits with such models). Perhaps to some extend it can be regarded as hkl-specific anisotropic size.

In fact, antiphase boundaries is stacking faults, if you simply consider the relation between fault plane and translation lattice.

To find recent examples also beyond the old works on metals, you might check for works which have been performed using the software Diffax or Faults.

Best regards

Andreas Leineweber

Am 12.08.2019 um 18:11 schrieb Bianchini, Matteo (INT):

Dear Rietveld people,

I am hoping to find some advice on microstructural effects.

I have a sample, a layered oxide (R-3m, with fcc oxygen packing) that exhibits peculiar broadening of Bragg peaks in synchrotron XRD powder data.

I tried using various strain and size formulations implemented in Fullprof (Stephens for strain, spherical harmonics for size) but none of them gives good results.

So I think the broadening is related to a very specific kind of defect. Also, it is very clearly lorentzian.

Finally I found a pretty good fit using a specific rule for hkl, i.e. l = 2n+1. I am not sure if this is the best possible rule, but it works quite well.

I am trying to figure out what kind of defect specifically this might relate to. I think it might be antiphase boundaries, but am not sure.

Most of the literature I could find on the subject relates to binary alloys, not oxides.

If anyone has advice on how to physically interpret specific broadening rules such as the one I found, or can point me to the relevant literature, I would be very grateful.

Best regards


Dr. Matteo Bianchini

Postdoctoral researcher

Battery and Electrochemistry Lab - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology


Phone Office: +4972160826415

Personal: +4917674710480


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Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Andreas Leineweber
Institute of Materials Science
TU Bergakademie Freiberg
Gustav-Zeuner-Str. 5
D-09599 Freiberg
Phone: +49-3731-39-2622
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