Hi Shay,

>Is it possible that I observed changes of 10-5A+/-10-6A in d-space? 

Are you sure you are asking the precision of d-spacing not of the refined 
lattice parameters from whole pattern?
The precision of d-spacing depends on which 2Theta angle are you talking about, 
according to the derivative of Bragg's law below, it is reversely proportional 
to Tanθ,
Δd/d = - Δθ/Tanθ , note Δθ is in the unit of rad.
Check the vendor's Goniometer Reproducibility and you can calculate the 
d-spacing precision Δd/d at whatever 2θ angles.

> in-situ. The sample did not move
Dangerous to claim sample does not move in in-situ experiment. What is the 
thermal expansion coefficient of the sample holder material used in the 
chamber? When the holder expands at high T, your sample height changes.
If you chamber is sitting on a motorised Z drive, it is possible to set the Z 
height change as Temperature to compensate the expansion of Chamber holder in 

Hope this helps!

Dr. Tony Wang
Research Infrastructure Specialist (XRD)
Central Analytical Research Facility (CARF)   |   Institute for Future 
Queensland University of Technology

At 2020-02-26 14:35:45, "Shay Tirosh" <stiro...@gmail.com> wrote:

Is it possible that I observed changes of 10-5A+/-10-6A in d-space? 
Specifically, I am scanning my sample in Bruker diffractometer in 
Bragg-Brentano configuration with internal standard. 
The XRD experiment has done in-situ. The sample did not move between 
experiments, even not rotated. 
2teta steps are 0.02deg, acquisition time for each step was 0.2sec and the 
detector is a multi-channel detector. 
I considered the random changes in the internal standard (peak at 12deg) of 
10-6A as my error. The changes in the sample's reflected peak (peak at 14deg) 
was 10-5A.

Please note that my half step is only  2teta (obviously I can improve it) is 
0.01 which means a 0.005deg in teta.  

Do you familiar with similar work that has been intended to determine changes 
of 10-5A in d-space? 



Dr. Shay Tirosh
Institute for Nanotechnology & Advanced Materials
Bar Ilan University 
Ramat Gan, 52900
Phone: +972-(0)30-531-7320
Mobile: +972-(0)54-8834533
Email: stiro...@gmail.com
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